7.3.2 Headache Flashcards
What are the presenting symptoms of pseudotumor?
HA developing over weeks or months
Episodic blurred vision, double vision
Normal head imaging
What are some abortive treatments for headaches?
Not an objective

What are some other migraine variants and their accompanying aura?

What are some prophylactic medications for migraines?
Not an objective, but Dr. Gronseth did say to have a general understanding

What are the phenomological characteristics of classic migraine?
Migraine HA w/ aura
Aura: preceded or accompanied by visual, sensory or other focal neurological symptoms
How is chronic migraine treated?
Withdrawl from offending medication for extended duration (headaches will get worse before they get better)
What constitutes “continuous” as it relates to chronic migraine and chronic tension-type headache?
Headache daily or nearly daily (15 or more days per month)
Good Q: In the past month, how many days have you not had a headache?
What is the status migrainosus?
Migraine lasting longer than three days
What are the 3 cranial pain-sensitive structures?
Orbits, Paranasal sinuses, teeth
Dural sinuses and blood vessels
What are the phenomological characteristics of common migraine?
Severe and…
Unilateral site, throbbing, nausea, photophobia, and phonophobia/sonophobia
What is the most common cause of chronic migraine?
Medication overuse (usually abortive-type tx)

How does a long history of similary headaches aid in diagnosis?
Helps in ruling out sinister cause
What is the most common cause of headache?
Not determined
What is meant by thunderclap onset?
From the time the headache starts, it took less than a minute to reach its worst.
First incidence of thunderclap onset of migraine should be worked up (Head CT and lumbar puncture)
What are the two most common aura symptoms seen with classic migraine?
Visual hallucination
Tinglining numbess that starts in one place then radiates

What are some of the different names for headaches with unknown etiology?
Primary, essential, or idiopathic headache
What is epidsodic tension-type headache?
Chronic recurrent cranial pain but not fulfilling criteria for migraine
Whata are the phenomenological characteristics that define cluster headache?
Severe unilateral peri-orbital
Associated with at least one of the following on painful side: conjunctival injection, lacrimation, rhinorrhea, miosis, ptosis, eyelid edema

What is the cause of psuedotumor cerebri?
increased flow resistance in arachnoid villi or increased dural sinus pressure