7.3.1 Alcoholism and Medical Sequelae Flashcards
Why is the an increased incidence of chronic diarrhea in alcoholic patients?

What are the characteristics of alcoholic hepatitis?

What are the alcoholic effects of the GI tract?

How is a substance classified by severity in DSM criteria?

What are the 2 risky use symptoms in DSM5 criteria for substance use disorder?

What are the characteristics of alcoholic fatty liver?

What are the characteristics of alcoholic myopathy?

Fill in this chart

What are the 4 impaired control symptoms in DSM5 criteria for substance use disorder?

Why is alcohol use of interest in the medical field?

Fill in this chart

What are the two phases of withdrawl and what are their symptoms?

What is an alcoholic blackout?

What is tolerance and what is the importance?
Decreased physiological and psychological effects of a drug with prolonged exposure.

What is Korsakoff’s syndrome?

What are some of the effects of Alcohol on the Mesocortex?

What sex tends to be more heavy drinkers?
What is the DSM-5 definition of a substance use disorder?

What are the 2 pharmacologic dependence symptoms in DSM5 criteria for substance use disorder?

Constant epigastric pain
Pain worse after eating
Low grade fever
Epigastric tenderness
The clinical symptoms were in caps (may be important)
What are the characteristics of FAS?

Describe the genetic variability among races for alcohol metabolism.
ADH2*1 predominates in white and black populations, while ADH2*2 predominates in Asian populations. The ADH2*3 is present in about 15% of black American populations. The isozyme corresponding to this allele has a 25% higher metabolic rate compared to the more common ADH2*1 allele. This ADH2*3 allele and the corresponding higher metabolic rate may have a protective effect against alcohol-related birth defects in pregnant black-American women who drink while pregnant.

What is the pathway of ethanol metabolism?

What is At Risk Drinking?

What are the 3 symptoms of social impairment in DSM5 criteria for substance use disorder?

What is alcoholic polyneuropathy?

At low doses can alcohol be helpful or harmful?
It can be helpful to the cardiovascular system
What are the pharmacologic therapies of alcoholism?

What is a brief intervention and what is the goal?
Goal is to moderate drinking NOT abstinence

What are the causes of anemia in alcoholism?

What genetic variation is common in asian populations?

What are good questions to ask a person about their drinking?

What are the characteristics of the absorption of alcohol?

What are the characteristics of alcohol metabolism?

What are the characteristics of alcoholic cirrhosis?

What is Wernicke’s Encephalopathy?

What is central pontine myelinosis?

What percent of the population is is abstainers, light drinkers, moderate, and heavy drinkers?

What are the clinical symptoms of acute alcoholic gastritis?
Epigastric pain
Just a side note in attached image

What is Marchiafava-Bignami Syndrome?

What are the complications of pancreatitis?

What are the effects of alcohol on the small intestine?