1.2.2 Cranial Nerve Intro Flashcards
Damage to which three cranial nerves can result in deficits in eye movement and diplopia?

What are the three possible components of a cranial nerve?
Sensory (afferent)
Motor (efferent)
Autonomic (efferent) - if autonomic is present in the cranial nerves, it is always preganglionic parasympathetic
What is the name, function, location, fiber type and neuropathy of CN V?
Name: Trigeminal
Function: sensation of face and muscle innervation of mastication
Location: trigeminal ganglion and trigeminal motor nucleus
Fiber Type: both
Neuropathy: facial numbness and difficulty chewing

The cranial nerves exit on what surface of the brain? How are they numbered?
Ventral; Rostral to Caudally starting with I and ending with XII
Identify these 12 cranial nerves

What are the five purely motor cranial nerves?
III - Oculomotor
IV - Trochlear
VI - Abducens
XI - Accessory
XII - Hypoglossal
What is the name, function, location and fiber type of CN I?
Name: Olfactory
Fuction: Smell
Location: nasal epithelium, synapse in the olfactory bulb
Type: sensory
What is the name, function, location, fiber type, and neuropathy of CN IX?
Name: Glossopharyngeal
Function: back of tongue, pharnyx, ear, stylopharyngeus m., parotid gland, parasympathetic to carotid body
Location: solitary nucleus, nucleus ambiguus
Fiber Type: Both
Neuropathy: loss of taste, mouth sensory loss, dry mouth

What is the name, function, location and fiber type of CN VIII?
Name: Auditory/Vestibular
Function: balance and sound
Location: ear structures, synapse in brain stem
Fiber Type: sensory
Neuropathy: deafness and balance disorders

What is the name, function, location and fiber type of CN VI?
Name: Abducens
Function: innervates muscles under eye
Location: synapse in pons, abducens nucleus
Fiber type: motor

What are the cranial nerves that contain both somatic and motor compontents?
V - Trigeminal
VII - Facial
IX - Glossopharyngeal
X - Vagus
What is the name, function, location, fiber type and neuropathy of CN XI?
Name: Spinal accessory nerve
Function: innervates SCM and trapezius
Location: in spinal cord around C1-5
Fiber type: motor
Neuropathy: inability to shrug shoulders, turn head

What is the name, function, location, fiber type, and neuropathy of CN VII?
Name: Facial
Function: taste and some touch, facial expression, parasympathetic innervation of glands
Location: solitary nucleus (taste)/spinal trigeminal (touch), facial nucleus, superior salvatory nucleus
Fiber Type: Both
Neuropathy: Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis), loss of taste and gland function

What is the name, function, location, fiber type and neuropathy of CN III?
Name: Oculomotor
Function: movement of eye and eye lid, parasympathetic control of pupil and lens
Location: motor neurons in brainstem nuclei
Fiber Type: motor
Neuropathy: drooping eyelid

What is the name, function, location, fiber type, and neuropathy of CN XII?
Name: Hypoglossal
Function: intrinsic tongue mm (stick your tongue out)
Location: hypoglossal nucleus
Fiber type: motor
Neuropathy: tongue veers to one side when you stick it out

What is the name, function, location and fiber type of CN II?
Name: Optic
Function: vision
Location: retina, synapse in the thalmus
Type: sensory
What is the name, function, location, fiber type, and neuropathy of CN X?
Name: Vagus
Function: visceral sensation, mm of larnyx, pharnyx, and palate
Location: solitary nucleus/spinal trigeminal, nucleus ambiguus
Fiber Type: both
Neuropathy: Diminished gag, hoarseness, difficulty in swallowing

What is the name, function, location and fiber type of CN IV?
Name: Trochlear
Function: Innervates the muscles of lens and eye
Location: synapse in the pons in trochlear nucleus
Fiber Type: Motor

What are some of the mnemonics to remember the names of the cranial nerves?
Oh, Oh, Oh to touch and feel very good velvet, ah heaven
On Old Olympus Towering Top A French and German Viewed Some Hops
Oh, Oh, Oh to touch and feel a girls vagina, ahh heaven (found on internet… apologize for its offensive nature)
Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abudens, Facial, Acoustic, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, pinal Accessory, Hypoglosal
What are the three sensory only cranial nerves?
I - Olefactory
II - Optic
VIII - Vestibulocochlear
What is the mnemonic used to remember the fiber types (motor, somatic, or both) of the cranial nerves?
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