1.2.2 Cranial Nerve Intro Flashcards
Damage to which three cranial nerves can result in deficits in eye movement and diplopia?

What are the three possible components of a cranial nerve?
Sensory (afferent)
Motor (efferent)
Autonomic (efferent) - if autonomic is present in the cranial nerves, it is always preganglionic parasympathetic
What is the name, function, location, fiber type and neuropathy of CN V?
Name: Trigeminal
Function: sensation of face and muscle innervation of mastication
Location: trigeminal ganglion and trigeminal motor nucleus
Fiber Type: both
Neuropathy: facial numbness and difficulty chewing

The cranial nerves exit on what surface of the brain? How are they numbered?
Ventral; Rostral to Caudally starting with I and ending with XII
Identify these 12 cranial nerves

What are the five purely motor cranial nerves?
III - Oculomotor
IV - Trochlear
VI - Abducens
XI - Accessory
XII - Hypoglossal
What is the name, function, location and fiber type of CN I?
Name: Olfactory
Fuction: Smell
Location: nasal epithelium, synapse in the olfactory bulb
Type: sensory
What is the name, function, location, fiber type, and neuropathy of CN IX?
Name: Glossopharyngeal
Function: back of tongue, pharnyx, ear, stylopharyngeus m., parotid gland, parasympathetic to carotid body
Location: solitary nucleus, nucleus ambiguus
Fiber Type: Both
Neuropathy: loss of taste, mouth sensory loss, dry mouth

What is the name, function, location and fiber type of CN VIII?
Name: Auditory/Vestibular
Function: balance and sound
Location: ear structures, synapse in brain stem
Fiber Type: sensory
Neuropathy: deafness and balance disorders

What is the name, function, location and fiber type of CN VI?
Name: Abducens
Function: innervates muscles under eye
Location: synapse in pons, abducens nucleus
Fiber type: motor

What are the cranial nerves that contain both somatic and motor compontents?
V - Trigeminal
VII - Facial
IX - Glossopharyngeal
X - Vagus
What is the name, function, location, fiber type and neuropathy of CN XI?
Name: Spinal accessory nerve
Function: innervates SCM and trapezius
Location: in spinal cord around C1-5
Fiber type: motor
Neuropathy: inability to shrug shoulders, turn head

What is the name, function, location, fiber type, and neuropathy of CN VII?
Name: Facial
Function: taste and some touch, facial expression, parasympathetic innervation of glands
Location: solitary nucleus (taste)/spinal trigeminal (touch), facial nucleus, superior salvatory nucleus
Fiber Type: Both
Neuropathy: Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis), loss of taste and gland function

What is the name, function, location, fiber type and neuropathy of CN III?
Name: Oculomotor
Function: movement of eye and eye lid, parasympathetic control of pupil and lens
Location: motor neurons in brainstem nuclei
Fiber Type: motor
Neuropathy: drooping eyelid

What is the name, function, location, fiber type, and neuropathy of CN XII?
Name: Hypoglossal
Function: intrinsic tongue mm (stick your tongue out)
Location: hypoglossal nucleus
Fiber type: motor
Neuropathy: tongue veers to one side when you stick it out