3.2.1 Nose, Paranasal, Sinuses, Pharynx, Lymphatics Flashcards
What are the characteristics of anosmia?

What are the covered parts?

What are the covered parts?

Discuss the various roles of the CN involve in swallowing:

What are the characteristics of a deviated nasal septum?
prevents adequate drainage of nose and sinuses, interfering with slow of air on one side

What is the Heimlich maneuver?

What are the covered parts?

How would you provide pain relief for a broken nose?

What are the covered parts?

What are the characteristics of the nasal cilia?
Blue clinical enders slide
-Posterior 2/3 of the nasal cavity is lined by nasal cilia
- -Normal movement of mucous is posteriorly towards nasopharynx and is most pronounced over middle and inferior conchae
- -Heat, cold, dryness, and drugs may adversely affect action of cilia
What are the importance nerves of the external nose?
Muscle of the external nose are innervated by the facial nerve
Sensory nerve innervation is carried out by branches of the trigeminal nerve
V1 - via the infratrochlear and external nasal nerve
V2 - via infraorbital nerve
What are the covered parts?

Describe referred pain in the sinuses, focus on pain from the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses.
- Frontal & Maxillary: bone superficial to the sinus
- Sphenoid: top of the head
- Ethmoid: medial and lateral to the eyes

What are the characteristics of sinusitis?
Sinusitis: inflammation of one or more of the paranasal sinuses, usually referring to bacterial infection of the sinuses, secondary to viral infections or allergic rhinitis

What are the characteristics of a Virchow’s Node?

What are the characteristics of a nose bleed and what are the 4 arteries that supply blood to the nose?
Anterior ethmoid
Greater palatine
Superior labial artery

What are the covered parts?

CN X for all except for Stylopharyngeus which is CN IX
The pharyngeal constrictors are innervated by?
How would you do the heimlich maneuver on an adult vs a younger kid?

What are the functions of the nose?
- Respiration
- Olfaction
- Filtration of dust
- Humidification of inspired air
- Receptacle for secretions from paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal duct
What are the covered parts?

How would one be able to stop bloody noses coming from Kiesselbach’s plexus?
-To stop a nosebleed, the superior labial artery and greater palatine artery can be manually compressed by applying pressure on the upper lip and hard palate just behind the incisors

What are the covered parts?

What is importance about the tan shaded area?

This is Waldyer’s Tonsilar Ring
How would you do the heimlich maneuver on a small baby (aka Tanner Greiving)?

What are the covered parts?

Right - frontal sinus
Left - Maxillary sinus
What is important about children and their noses?
Conchae and meatus provide excellent sites for lodging of forgeing objects
What are the covered parts

What are the characteristics of sleep apnea?

Describe the lymphatic drainage from the tongue.

Fill in this chart (Must KNOW)

What are the characteristics of Waldyer’s Tonsillar Rings?

What two muscles contract to open the internal auditory tube during swallowing?
Tensor palati muscle
What are the covered parts?

Top - Jugular digastric
Bottom - jugular omohyoid