1.1.2 CNS Functional Divisions Flashcards
What are long tracts?
connections between sections, peripheral location (spinal cord), ventral (medulla/midbrain)
What is a deep tendon reflex?
monosynaptic, muscle stretch (afferent) → contraction (efferent)

What is the organization of memory and emotion in the brain?
Memory and emotion – Papez memory circuits

What are the suprasegemental functions?
connections to and from higher brain centers, commonly the cerebrum
What is the swallow reflex?
medulla function, interneurons connect afferent and efferents (reticular formation)
Stimulation posterior Oropharynx
CN IX (glossopharyngeal)

Describe the midbrain and the cranial nerves it uses?
Green are motor
Blue are sensory

The sense of smell is located in which section of the brain?
Cerebral Hemispheres
What are the motor suprasegemental systems?
efferent from brain, corticospinal (voluntary motion), oculomotor (contract opposite mm in each eye)
What is the corneal reflex?
closing of both eyes when cornea is touched (pons)
Afferent - CN V (corneal sensation)
Efferent - CN VII (Eye closure)

What is the organization of the medulla and what cranial nerves does it use?
Green are motor
Blue are sensory

Describe the organization of the Pons and what cranial nerves it utilizes.

Hearing is interpreted in the?
inferior colliculus
Describe the organization of higher brain function.
Cognition: information processing
Executive – rostral, plans and motion
Perceptual - caudal, sensory processing
Symbolic – language processing, left brain is usually dominant
Pattern – visual and spatial, right brain

Humans are considered to be what type of brained?
Smell brained

What is the importance of the peripheral white matter on the spinal cord?
These are for intersegmental communications
What are the sensory suprasegemental systems?
afferents, somatosensory, special senses
Vision is interpreted in the?
Superior Colliculus, midbrain
Balance is interpreted in?
Describe the organization of the central grey spinal cord pertaining to motor and sensory distribution. Moreso what are the covered parts?

Sensory - Dorsal
Motor - Ventral

What is a pupillary light reflex?
contraction with bright light - mediated by the midbrain

What are considered to be the “higher centers” of the brain?
Describe the process of spinal cord reflexes - withdrawl from pain?
withdrawal from pain, pain sensed (afferent) → motor contraction (efferent)
Inhibition – by higher centers
Babinski sign