6.4.1 Limbic System Flashcards
What makes up the archicortical area of limbic system?
hippocampal formation (hippocampus and dentate gyrus)
Olfactory receptors are bound directly to, what happens on binding of odorant?
- Olfactory receptors connect directly to olfactory nerves
- Binding of an odorant initiates a GPCR cascade
Olfactory bulb synapses with the Entorhinal Cortex and then does what?
-Synapses with the hippocampus
-Consolidation into LT memory
What are the functions of the limbic system?
What is the neurotransmitter for the limbic system?

What is the role of the taste receptor cell and where does it signal to?
-receives taste info and provides afferent info to the solitary nucleus
What is the role of the nucleus accumbens?
Dopaminergic projections included in the “want” system

Draw out the pathway of the Papez circuit for memory. (MUST KNOW)

Fill this in

What are the cortical structures of the limbic system?

The hippocampus is sensitive to?
-Hippocampus is sensitive to anoxia and will show damage in the early stages of Alzheimer’s
What is the basic anatomy of the hippocampal formation?
The dentate gyrus forms a C-shaped cap on the end of the hippocamus itself. Within the dentate, both the outermost molecular layer and the innermost polymorphic layer are comprised mostly of neuropil; interposed between them is the granule cell layer. The dendrites of granule cells extend into the molecular layer, where they receive excitatory input from the axons of the perforant path. The perforant path axons arise from pyramidal cells in the nearby entorhinal cortex. Axons of the dentate granule cells project into the hippocampus proper as mossy fibers. Within the hippocampus, three layers are apparent, but instead of granule cells large pyramidal cells are found in the middle layer. These pyramidal cells extend apical dendrites into the hippocampal molecular layer, where they receive two major sources of input. Mossy fiber input from the dentate gyrus synapses toward the base of apical dendrites, while perforant path axons synapse on the distal regions of pyramidal cell apical dendrites. Below the pyramidal cell layer is the polymorphic layer, which contains basal dendrites and axons of pyramidal cells.

What is the input, output, and function of the central pathway of amygdala?
-Functions: autonomic responses (gut, HR, etc)
- Input: viscerosensory relay nuclei (e.g. solitary nucleus)
- Output: hypothalamus and brainstem ANS nuclei

What types of taste use direct ionic transduction and how?
- For salty (Na+) and sour (H+) molecules
- Na or H binds to the receptor and directly opens ion channel
What makes up the neocortical area?
-prefrontal association cortex, cingulate and subcallosal gyri
Olfactory nerves synapse on?
- within the olfactory bulb on mitral cells
- Site of synapse is referred to as a “glomeruli”
What makes up the subcortical structures?
-Amygdala (septal nuclei, ventral parts of BG)
Tufted cells do what?
Collect information from multiple glomeruli
Damage to th entorhinal cortex will do what?
-Damage to the entorhinal cortex will prevent new memories from forming, but will not affect retrieval of memories previously moved to long term storage
What are the 5 types of taste sensations?
What is the arrangement of the olfactory epithelium?
- Olfactory epithelium is lined by olfactory receptors in order to receive odorant molecules
- Must be dissolved in liquid in order to be received
Describe the central gustatory pathway
- CN VII, IX, X ⇒ Solitary Nucleus (Medulla) ⇒ VPM (Thalamus) ⇒ Lateral Cortex
- Taste is represented both ipsilaterally and contralaterally in the brain
What are the diencephalic structures?
- Hypothalamus
- Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus
- DM Nucleus of the Thalamus
What is the input, output, and function of the corticomedian pathway of amygdala?
-Functions: sexual behavior, feeding, appetite
- Input: olfactory bulb and piriform cortex
- Output: septum and hypothalamus

What types of taste use second messengers?
- For sweet, bitter, and umami molecules
- Binding of the molecule initiates a GPCR cascade eventually opening a Ca channel
What is the role of the basal cell of the tongue in regards to taste?
-stem cell population capable of regenerating both taste receptors and supporting cells
The olfactory tract is formed from?
-Olfactory tract is formed from the axons of mitral and tufted cells where afferent information is integrated and sent to the CNS
Irritants go through what?
Irritants go through trigeminal pathways (subset of pain) not taste buds
What makes up the paleocortical area of the limbic system?
-parahippocampal gyrus (entorhinal and piriform cortex)
Olfactory bulb synapses with the piriform cortex and then does what?
-then synapses with DM thalamus and neocortex (orbitofrontal cortex)
-Conscious smell perception
Olfactory bulb synapses with the amygdala and then does what?
-Amygdala (via lat olfactory stria), then synapses with septal nuclei & hypothalamus
-Emotional response
What is the input, output, and function of the basolateral pathway of amygdala?
-Functions: reaction to sensory information, comparisons to previous memories and information, decision making and conscious response formation
- Input: neocortical sensory association cortex (temporal lobe)
- Output: orbitofrontal cortex, dorsomedial thalamus, nucleus acumbens, hypothalamus

Output of the hippocampus goes to where?
-Output of the hippocampus travels to the mammillary bodies via the fornix
Olfactory bulb synapses with the olfactory tubercle and then does what?
Then goes to hypothalamus