5.1 Anatomy of the Muscular System: Intro Part 5 Flashcards
What are some of the functions of the abdominal muscles?
- support and protect abdominal viscera
- provide support for upright posture and balance
What are the abdominal muscles?
rectus abdominis
external oblique
internal oblique
transverse abdominis
What is the origin and insertion of the rectus abdominis?
origin = pubic crest, pubic symphysis
insertion = cartilages of ribs 5-7 and xyphoid process
What is the action of the rectus abdominis?
flexion of spine, compression of abdominal viscera
What is the innervation of the rectus abdominis?
spinal nerves T7-T12
What is the origin and insertion for the external oblique?
origin = sternum and ribs 5-12
insertion = linea alba and iliac crest
What are the actions of the external oblique?
bilaterally = flexion of the spine and compression of the abdominal viscera
unilaterally = flexes trunk to same side and rotates to opposite side
What is the innervation of the external oblique?
lower intercostal, inguinal nerves
What is the origin and insertion of the internal oblique?
origin = iliac crest and lumbodorsal fascia
insertion = inferior ribs and linea alba
What is the action of the internal oblique?
compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, and flexes spine
What is the innervation of the internal oblique?
lower intercostal, ilioinguinal nerves
What is the origin and insertion of the transverse abdomina?
origin = lateral inguinal ligament and inner iliac crest
insertion = linea alba and pubis
What is the action of the transverse abdomina?
compression of abdomen
What is the innervation of the transverse abdomina?
first lumber nerve (T7-L1), iliohypogastric nerve (T12-L1) and ilioinguinal (T12-L1)
What is the primary muscle necessary for in taking air?
What is the origin and insertion of the diaphragm?
origin = cartilage of ribs 7-12, xyphoid process, and lumbar vertebra
insertion = anterior longitudinal ligaments of vertebral column
What is the action of the diaphragm?
expands thoracic cavity, compresses abdominal cavity
What is the innervation of the diaphragm?
phrenic nerve (C3-5)
What is the origin and insertion of the internal intercostals?
origin = superior border of ribs 2-12
insertion = inferior of ribs 1-11
What is the action of the internal intercostals?
depresses ribs for forced expiration