46: Grammar: Pronombres de objeto Flashcards
Sara can’t find the keys
Sara no encuentra las llaves
Carlos and Pilar ask the waiter for the bill. -Carlos and Pilar ask for it
Carlos y Pilar piden la cuenta al camarero. -Carlos y Pilar se la piden
Natalia takes some cakes to her friend. - Natalia takes them
Natalia lleva unos pasteles a su amiga. - Natalia se los lleva
They have given me a surprise. (To me.)
Me han dado una sorpresa. (A mí.)
He has come this morning for you. -It arrived this morning
Ha llegado esta mañana para ti. -Te ha llegado esta mañana
Javier has bought tickets for you. Javier has bought them for you
Javier ha comprado entradas para vosotros. Javier os las ha comprado
Did you bring the book for my friend? - You brought it to him
Has traído el libro para mi amiga? - Se lo has traído
Juan mailed it to us.
Juan nos lo envió por correo .
I wrote them an email. (To them)
Les escribí un email. (A ellos)
Sara returned the jacket. - Sara gave it back.
Sara devolvió la chaqueta. - Sara la devolvió.
Mario invites his friends to eat
Mario invita a sus amigos a comer
Juan bought Ana a book. - Juan bought it for her.
Juan compró un libro a Ana. - Juan se lo compró.
I sent my resume to the company. - I sent it to him.
Mandé mi currículum a la empresa. - Se lo mandé.
Raúl bought flowers for his girlfriend. - Raúl bought them.
Raúl compró flores para su novia. - Raúl se las compró.
She invited us to dinner at her house
Nos invitó a cenar a su casa
Isabel bought it for her sister
Isabel lo compró para su hermana
I brought her flowers for her birthday
Le llevé flores por su cumpleaños
I order a pizza for dinner.
Pido una pizza para cenar.
Fer lent her the keys from him. (To her.)
Fer le prestó sus llaves. (A ella.)
He has reserved a table for us on Saturday. Juan asked the waiter for the bill.
Ha reservado una mesa el sábado para nosotros Juan pidió la cuenta al camarero.
I have a surprise for my parents
Tengo una sorpresa para mis padres
Choose the indirect object complements in the following sentences
Elige los complementos de objeto indirecto en las siguientes frases
Juan has cooked a paella for us.
Juan ha cocinado una paella para nosotros.
He has told me that Julia will be coming soon. -He told me.
Me ha dicho que Julia vendrá pronto. - Me lo ha dicho.