26. Crypto Flashcards
— is highly infectious – do not kiss the cute calf!
only need 150 oocysts to infect human, infected calf produces 30 billion over 6 days!
how does Crypto infect cell
moving junction:
sporozoite will use actin to pull itself into cell and make little tent at apical border- trophozoite
uses actin pedestal and complex interface
crypto are found where in the cell
intestinal epithelium
extra-cytoplasmatic location
lifecycle of crypto
three stages, single host
meront → merozoites→ gamont (male) or gamete (female) →fertilization and sporulation into oocyst
crypto male gamont
crypto female gamete
crypto merozoites- can turn into male gamont or female gamete
crypto Infection is spread by small round —
ocysts that contain 4 sporozoites
crypto Parasites move by — epithelial cells, they are intracellular but —
gliding and invade
A patch of —, a dense band of protein and the
— organelle put parasite on a pedestal and separate it from bulk cytoplasm
host cell actin
crypto have — lifecycle, fertilization and sporulation occur
within host cells
Single host
crypto oocysts are immediately infective and cause —
— is the 2nd leading cause of diarrheal disease and global child mortality
crypto infection in healthy people cause
Lead symptom is watery diarrhea.
Stomach cramps or pain
Weight loss
crypto outbreaks occur in the winter or summer
treatment for crypto in humans
no good drugs or vaccines
repeated exposure leads to immunity
Frequent crypto infections and
inflammation cause changes in the gut tissue impeding its ability —
to absorb nutrients
leads to malnutrition and stunted growth
Infects the abomasum of
cattle not the small
crypto andersoni
what type of crypto is prevalent in adult cattle
C. andersoni
found in abomasum
C. andersoni infection cause
No overt disease but may result in diminished milk production
infect adult cattle abomasum
crypto- Single host lifecycle and oocysts sporulate within host enabling — and lasting chronic infections (in particular in malnourished & immunosuppressed
crypto Parasite is limited to infecting epithelial cells, induces actin
pedestal and is intracellular but —
Cryptosporidium is a global leading cause of diarrheal disease in —
young children and young calves
crypto of young cows
C. parvum