08. trichocephalids Flashcards
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
whip worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Trichuris egg
lemon shape with plug at each end
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
whip worms are
fine-hair like head embedded in the intestinal wall
posterior thick tail free in the lumen
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
life cycle of Trichuris
direct life cycle
eat egg with L1, large intestine, poop out egg
PPP depends on species- >3 months for dogs, 1.5 months for pigs
egg-L2 takes 1 month
eggs can survive for years in environment
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Trichuris sp.
direct- egg with L1- large intestine
whip worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Trichuris vulpis infect
direct to large intestine
whip worm
PPP > 3 months
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Trichuris discolor infect
cattle and sheep
direct to large intestine
whip worm
PPP around 3 months
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Trichuris suis infect
direct to large intestine
whip worm
PPP 1.5 months
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
clinical signs of Trichuris sp.
usually mild to asymptomatic
heavy infectious can cause severe disease
whip worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
clinical signs of Trichuris vulpis
few worms- asymptomatic
heavy- intermittent diarrhea, flecked with mucous and blood, weight loss and anemia, adults in cecum, and wall of colon
whip worm of dogs
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
clincial signs of trichuris discolor
few worms- asymptomatic
heavy- young animals hemorrhages into lumen of the cecum
ruminants whip worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Clincial signs of Trichuris suis
few worms- asymptomatic
heavy- catarrhal enteritis, diarrhea, dehydration, anorexia, smaller pigs
whip worm of pigs
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
hair worms
capilarids (eucoleus)
very fine and small
eggs are asymmetrical with bipolar plugs and are smaller then trichuris sp.
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Trichuris- whip worms- lemon shape
Eucoleus- hair worms- asymmetrical with bipolar plugs- smaller
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
life cycle of Eucoleus
probably direct
egg with L1- small intestine- lungs
PPP 40 days
egg-L1- 30-50 days
asymmetric lemon eggs
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
where do adult Eucoleus worms live?
lungs/ respiratory system
Eucoleus aerophilus- bronchioles
Eucoleus boehmi- nasal sinus
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Eucoleus aerophilus infect
fox, cat, dog
hairworm- attack SI then trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Eucoleus boehmi infect
dogs and fox
infect nasal passages- hairworms
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Pearsonema plica is found
in urine of fox and dogs
type of hairworm- Eucoleus/capullaria
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
clinical signs of Eucoleus aerophilus
few- asymptomatic
severe- cough, nasal discharge, dyspnea, anorexia, pneumonia
found in the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles of dogs, cats and foxes
use fecal float?
hair worm- lung worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
clinical signs of Eucoleus boehmi
severe- chronic rhinitis, secondary bacterial infection- purulent discharge
rare intracranial migration
hairworm of fox and dogs that live in nasal passages
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
diagnosis of Trichuris sp.
fecal float
souble centrifufal float
sheather’s sugar solution
Trichuris- direct to large intestine
Eucoleus (Capillaria) boehmi- similar shaped egg but found in trachea and bronchi of cat, dog, fox
Eucoleus (Capillaria) aerophilus- found in dog and fox nasal passage
Pearsonema plica – urine flotation
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Diagnosis for Capilarids/ Eucoleus
fecal float: doubel centrifugal flotation and sheather’s sugar solution
Trichuris- direct to large intestine
Eucoleus (Capillaria) boehmi- similar shaped egg but found in trachea and bronchi of cat, dog, fox
Eucoleus (Capillaria) aerophilus- found in dog and fox nasal passage
Pearsonema plica – urine flotation
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
difference between Trichuris and Capilarids/Eucoleus egg
trichuris- (whipworm) lemon shape, plugged both ends, larger, smooth wall shell, browner, ridges at end of plug, curved sides
Eucoleus- (hairworm) misshaped lemon, smaller, no ridges at end, shell has rough surface and parallel sides
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
E. aerophilus- (lung worm- hair worm) rough, parallel sides
Trichuris-(whipworm- large intestine) smooth curved sides
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
treatment for Trichuris
reinfection! PPP: 3 months to mature
whip worm- can live in soil for years
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
treatment and contol of Eucoleus
E. boehmi: ivermectin
E. aerophilus: moxidectin
pick up poop
PPP- 40 days
take 30-50 days for egg-L1
hair worms- (lung worms)
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Trichinella sp
embedded in mucosa of small intestine of swine, carnivores and humans
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
— are prelarvae that are found embedded in the mucosa of small intestine of swine, carnivores and humans
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
life cycle of Trichinella
we dont know
no free living stage
adult and larva live inside host
get infected by eating another host that is infected - zoonotic or indirect
raw or undercooked meat
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
what animals can Trichinella infect
T. pseudospiralis- birds, T. zimbabwensis- reptiles
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
T spiralis is a concern because
can infect pigs, mammals and humans
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
what are two common Trichinella in human
T. britovi
T. murrelli
from eating raw or undercooked pork or bear meat
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
clinical signs of Trichinella
Enteral phase: mostly asymptomatic, transient diarrhea/nausea
Parenteral phase: 2 weeks post-infection – myalgia, possibly fatal
can infect humans
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
diagnosis of Trichinella
muscle biopsy
clinical signs- muscle pain after eating raw meat
meat inspection
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
treatment and control of Trichinella sp.
no drugs for animals
cook meat to proper temp- 145 degree F
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
giant kidney worms
Dictophyma renale
can reach 1 m in length
deep red-purple
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Dioctophyma renale
giant kindey worm- eggs passed in urine
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
life cycle of Dioctophyma renale
eggs passed in urine
annelids (intermediate host) eat eggs- 2 molts
dogs eat annelids or paratenic host (frogs or fish) that ate annelids
intestinal wall- peritoneal cavity- kidney
PPP 6 months
giant kidney worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
PPP of Dioctophyma renale
6 months, travel from intestine to kidney
eggs shed in urine
giant kidney worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Dioctophyma renale
giant kidney worm- PPP 6 months
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
clinical signs of Dioctophyma renale
PPP 6 months
renale necrosis
usually attack Right kidney
eggs in abdominal cavity can cause liver lesion, hemoperitoneum and peritonitis
giant kidney worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
diagnosis of Dioctophyma renale
urine sediment- eggs found in urine
distended right kidney
giant kidney worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
Treatment and control of Dictophyma renale
surgical removal of right kidney
no not feed raw or undercooked frogs or fish
giant kidney worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
fish and frogs are the paratenic host of —-
Dioctophyma renale
giant kidney worm
Trichocephalid: Dioctophyma renale, Eucoleus, Trichinella, Trichuris
what Trichocephalid is resistant to freezing
L1 infectious- uncooked meat- spirals imbedded in muscle
no free living phase