23. sarcocystis Flashcards
Sarcocystis are —
GI parasites
spread by fecal-oral
lifecycle of sarcocystis
obligatory prey-predator(2 host) life cycle
DH will release sporocyst in feces, IH will eat sporocysts and cause cysts to form in the muscle
asexual in IH (prey herbivore)- might cause disease
sexual in DH (predator carnivore)- rare disease
Aberrant- horse- severe disease
Sarcocystis go through asexual stages in —
intermediate host (prey)
might cause disease
Sarcocystis go through sexual stages in —
definitive host (carnivore)
rare disease
stages of Sarcocystis in DH to IH
oocyst will sporulate inside DH GI tract to form SPOROCYST
IH will eat sporocyst
will form sporozoite in SI
then Schizonts (asexual reproduction) in vasculature
then merozoites in blood and white blood cells
then form cysts( sarcocysts) in muscle that contain slow proliferating forms called bradyzoites
host dies and DH eat IH with cysts in muscle
what type of host for sarcocystis usually are nonpathogenic and usually an incidental finding on post mortem
intermediate host ( prey- herbivore)
sarcocystis in ruminants can cause
cause by damage to endothelial cells
Acute phase:
– Fever, anorexia, poor growth, anemia, emaciation, hair loss, abortion, death
– Edema, hemorrhage (petechiae, ecchymoses),
atrophy of fat sarcocysts
- Chronic phase:
– Subclinical
– Nonsuppurative myositis, degeneration of sarcocysts
sarcocystis lifecycle in DH
DH eat IH with cysts in muscle
bradyzoites will undergo sexual reproduction and form oocysts that form spores that are pooped out and eaten by IH
equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
caused by aberrant host sarcocystis
what causes EPM
Sarcocystis neurona
DH for Sarcocystis neurona
possum- found only in North and South America
causes EPM in horses
signs of EPM
can cause almost any CNS signs
due to location of the lesion!
lower motor neuron- lameness and atrophy
UMN- spinal asymmetric ataxia
Brainstem- dysphagia, facial paralysis, vestibular disease
3 common signs of Sarcocystis neurona
ataxia, atrophy and asymmetry
cause EMP in horses
how to diagnose EPM
antibodies very common- from eaten possum poop
need to compare ratio of serum to CSF
need to rule out other diseases
presumptive diagnosis
what lab test for EPM
SAG 2,4/3 elisa
ratio of serum to CSF antibodies
why can antibodies be in CSF even if EPM not in CNS
natural diffusion of antibodies from blood to CSF
treatment for EPM
anti-protozoal meds and anti inflammatory
60% improve, 15% return to normal
Sarcocystis is a coccidian, —, protozoal parasite with a — life-cycle
2-host (predator/prey)
Sarcocystis disease is rare in —, usually mild/subclinical in —
definitive host (carnivore)
intermediate host
aberrant hosts of Sarcocystis causes
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
— is the most important infectious equine neurologic (CNS) disease
EPM definitive host
Sarcocystis neurona
test for EPM
serum:CSF titer
ratio (SnSAG2, 4/3 ELISA)
Sarcocystis in marine animals
aberrant host
Marine mammal protozoal encephalitis