Yr8-Miss HW Spr Flashcards
1 type of atom
Downward elements that have a certain amount of electrons around the nucleus
A period is from left to right, electrons increasing in order
Alkali metals
Metals that have 1 electron around the nucleus
Alkaline metals
2 electrons around the nucleus
Elements that have an atom with 7 electrons around it
Noble gases
They have a full set of electrons
Transition metals
Metals that aren’t fully metals
Periodic table
A table of elements that lists electrons, periods and rows
Salt + hydrogen
Zinc +sulphuric acid ->zinc sulphate +hydrogen
Metal +water
Metal + water = metal hydroxide +hydrogen gas
Metals + oxygen
Metal oxide
Displacement reactions
How metal acids will displace each other according to the reactivity series.
Magnesium+zinc nitrate= magnesium nitrate+zinc
Metal ore
A metal that is found in the earth’s crust and is mixed with rock or a gas
Metals extracted from ores
Electrolysis, hydrogen and copper
Thermite reaction
A displacement or competition reaction between aluminium and iron oxide, producing aluminium oxide and iron. It releases enough heat to melt the iron, so it can be used for joining railway tracks together.
Reactivity series
Please Potassium Stop, Sodium Learn. Lithium Calling. Calcium Me. Magnesium A. Aluminium Carless. Copper Zebra. Zinc Instead. Iron Try. Tin Learning. Lead How. Hydrogen Copper. Copper Saves. Mercury Gold. Gold
The column of elements depending on the amount of protons on their outer shells
It is the rows , determining their level of reactivity -how many protons in the atom .
Alkali metals / group 1
7 Li Lithium 3 23 Na Sodium 11 39 K Potassium 19
85 Rb Rubidium 37 133 Cs Caesium 55
Alkaline earth metals /group 2
Be Beryllium 4 24 Mg Magnesium 12 40 Ca Calcium 20 88 Sr Strontium 38 137 Ba Barium 56 226 Ra Radium 88
Halogens /group 7
19 F Fluorine 9 35.5 Cl Chlorine 17 80 Br Bromine 35 127 I Iodine 53
Noble gases /group 0or8
He Helium 2 20 Ne Neon 10 40 Ar Argon 18 84 Kr Krypton 36 131 Xe Xenon 54
Transition metals
Sc Scandium 21 Ti Titanium 22 V Vanadium 23 Cr Chromium 24 55 Mn Manganese 25 Fe Iron 26 Co Cobalt 27 Ni Nickel 28 Cu Copper 29 Zn Zinc 30 89 Y Yttrium 39 91 Zr Zirconiu m 40 93 Nb Niobium 41 96 Mo Molybdenum 42 98 Tc Technetium 43 101 Ru Ruthenium 44 103 Rh Rhodium 45 106 Pd Palladium 46 108 Ag Silver 47 112 Cd Cadmium 48 139 La Lanthanum 57 178 Hf Hafnium 72 181 Ta Tantalum 73 184 W Tungsten 74 186 Re Rhenium 75 190 Os Osmium 76 192 Ir Iridium 77 195 Pt Platinum 78 197 Au Gold 79 201 Hg Mercury 80 227 Ac Actinium
Noble gases are stable because ..
They do not require any more or less protons.
To be stable or unstable means
Its reactivity depending on the greater or lesser amount of atoms it needs to lose or gain.
Metal +Acid =
Salt ( metal salt ) + hydrogen
Different salts :
- hydrochloric acids =
- nitric salt =
- sulphuric acid =
- chloride
- nitrate
- sulphate
Magnesium + hydrochloric acid =
Magnesium chloride + hydrogen
Zinc + sulphuric acid =
Zinc sulphate + hydrogen
Potassium nitrate + hydrogen =
Potassium + nitric acid
Metal + oxygen =
Metal oxide
Metal + water =
Metal hydroxide + hydrogen
Please Stop Calling Me A Carless Zebra Instead Try Learning How Copper Saves Gold
Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Carbon Zinc Iron Tin Lead Hydrogen Copper Silver Gold
Chemical displacement is ..
The process of which a more reactive chemical replaces another.
Lead nitrate + potassium = potassium nitrate + lead
Ores are metals found in rock underground , dug up through mining and extracted from different processes.
Any metal less reactive than carbon can be separated using carbon as it is any metal less reactive than carbon is less likely to react with anything else . Separating a metal with carbon means to heat it up-extracting the metal
Gold is special..
It is the most least reactive therefore not able to deaerate as easily.-making it expensive .