Workforce Safety and Wellness Flashcards
A stressor that produces a positive response
Stress that produces negative responses
___ can help you manage the effects of distress
Understanding how stress affects you physically, mentally, and emotionally
The active pursuit of a state of good health
The capacity of an individual to cope with and recover from distress
Tactics that have been shown to alleviate or eliminate stress reactions
Stress management
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Medical condition caused by the growth and spread of harmful organisms within the body
Infectious disease
A disease that can be spread from one person or species to another
Communicable disease
Immunizations, simple hand-washing, and other protective techniques can dramatically reduce the health care provider’s risk of ___
A microorganism that is capable of causing disease in a susceptible host
The presence of pathogens or foreign bodies on or in objects such as dressings, water, food, needles, wounds, or a patient’s body
A situation in which a person has had contact with blood, body fluids, tissues, or airborne particles in a manner that may allow disease transmission to occur
Protective equipment that an individual wears to prevent exposure to a pathogen or other hazardous condition
The way an infectious disease is spread
Ways infectious diseases can be transmitted
- Contact (direct or indirect)
- Aerosolized
- Foodborne
- Vector-borne
The movement of an organism from one person to another through physical touch
Contact transmission
Occurs when an organism is moved from one person to another through touching without an intermediary
Direct contact
Microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans
Bloodborne pathogens
Sexual transmission is an example of ___
Direct contact
Human immunodeficiency virus
Involves the spread of infection from the patient with an infection to another person through an inanimate object
Indirect contact
The object that transmits the infection is called a ___
Small plantlike organisms such as yeast. Cause conditions such as athlete’s foot and jock itch
Single-cell animal-like microorganisms. Cause malaria
Worms such as roundworms, pinworms, and hookworms
Needlesticks are an example of how infection spreads through ___
Indirect contact
Spreading an infection agent through mechanisms such as droplets or dust
Airborne transmission
The common cold is caused by a type of virus called ___
Sneezing can transmit disease through ___
Direct contact and airborne routes
Involves the contamination of food or water with an organism that can cause disease
Foodborne transmission
Involves the spread of infection by animals or insects that carry an organism from one person or place to another
Vector-borne transmission
Rabies and Lyme disease is a ___ disease
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Develops and publishes guidelines concerning reducing hazards in the workplace, as well as enforces the guidelines
___ requires all EMTs to be trained in handling blood-borne pathogens and in approaching a patient who may have an infectious or communicable disease
The ___ developed a set of standard precautions for health care workers to use in treating patients
Protective measures designed to prevent health care workers from coming into contact with objects, blood, body fluids, and other potential risks that could lead to exposure to germs
Standard precautions
The CDC recommendation from 2016 is to assume that every person is ___
Potentially infected or can spread an organism that could be transmitted in the healthcare setting
Procedures to reduce infections in patients and health care personnel
Infection control
OSHA refers to infection control as ___
Universal precautions
The most common components of PPE
- Mask
- Eyewear or full face shield
- Gloves
- Gown
The ___ is the last PPE to be removed
The ___ is the last PPE to donned
The simplest yet most effective way to control disease transmission
Proper handwashing
If you are exposed to blood-borne pathogens you must notify your ___
Designated officer
Minimum standard for all patient care if there is any possibility of exposure to blood or body fluids
Gloves and eye protection
Change gloves if they have been exposed to any ___
Petroleum products
Wear ___ gloves if there is substantial bleeding
Be sure to ___ gloves as you move from patient to patient
If the patient needs oxygen, place a ___ instead of a surgical mask on the patient and set the oxygen flow rate at ___
- Nonrebreathing mask
10 to 15 L/min
Do not place a ___ respirator on the patient
___ respirators must be fit tested to ensure their efficacy
Neither mouth-to-mouth nor mouth-to-mask resuscitation are recommended in a situation where there is an ___
Active community spread of a virus that can be transmitted by air-borne route
___ is an aerosol-generating procedure that should be avoided in epidemic scenarios
Bag-mask ventilation
NFPA ___ addresses reducing the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens and airborne diseases
Infection Control Standard 1581
Components of an Infection Control Plan
- Determination of exposure risk
- Education and training
- Cleaning and disinfection practices
- Tuberculin Skin Testing/Fit testing
- Hepatitis B vaccine program
- Post-exposure management
- Compliance monitoring
- Communication of hazards to employees and training
- Records keeping
Treatments that increase the risk for transmission of infections that are spread through the air or by droplets
Aerosol-generating procedures
Aerosol-generating procedures
Whenever possible, cleaning the ambulance should be done at ___
The hospital
Medical waste should be placed in a ___
Red biohazard bag
To disinfect, use a bleach water solution at a ___ dilution
Do not use ___ products to clean the unit
Alcohol or aerosol spray products
When spraying disinfectant, do not ___
Go back and dry the surfaces, allow them to air dry
Resistant to particular germs
The organism or the individual who is attacked by the infecting agent
Protects against new infections. But pathogens that remain in the body from the first illness still may be able to cause the same disease again when the body is stressed or has some impairment in its immune system
Partial immunity
Each employer whose employees may reasonably be expected to come in contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials must create an ___
Infection control plan
CDC recommended vaccines for healthcare workers
- Hepatitis B
- Influenza
- Varicella
- Tdap
Procedure for being exposed to a patient’s fluids or blood
- Turn over patient care to another EMS provider
- Clean the exposed area with soap and water
- If eyes are exposed, rinse for at least 20 minutes ASAP
- Activate departments infection control plan
- Follow-up screening
- Complete an exposure report
Safety zone for downed utility pole
One span of the utility poles distance
Lightning is a threat in two ways: ___
- Direct hit
- Ground current
How to position for lighting in open area
Low crouch with only feet on the ground
7 common hazards in a fire
- Smoke
- O2 deficiency
- High temperatures
- Toxic gases
- Building collapse
- Equipment
- Explosions
Smoke is made up of particles of ___
Tar and carbon
Most smoke particles are trapped in the ___, but many smaller particles enter the ___
- Upper respiratory system
- Lungs
Breathing air that is heated above ___ can damage the respiratory system
120°F (49°C)
Carbon monoxide combines with the hemoglobin in your blood about ___ times more readily than does oxygen
Effect of CO
Blocks the ability of the hemoglobin to transport O2 to your body tissues
Effect of cyanide
Prevents cells from using oxygen
Exposure to CO2 will cause ___
Increased respirations, dizziness, & sweating
Breathing concentrations of CO2 greater than ___ will result in death within a few minutes
Park at least ___ from all crash sites
Involves the tactical use of an impenetrable barrier for protection
Involves hiding behind objects to limit a person’s ability to see you
If you believe an event is a crime scene, you must attempt to ___
Maintain the chain of evidence
Cold weather protection layers
- Moisture-wicking
- Thermal
- Wind/moisture barrier
Wearing ___ will permit free use of your hands and offer added protection from both injury and body fluids
Puncture-proof leather gloves and latex gloves underneath
Use sunscreen with a minimum SPF of ___
Confusion, anxiety, and other feelings of helplessness in the patient will be decreased if you ___
Keep them informed from the start
Avoid ___ comments
Sad and grim
It is important to ___ the patient to their surroundings
Stages of grief
- Denial
- Anger/hostility
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
The bodies response to stress begins with ___ followed by ___
- An alarm response
- A stage of reaction and resistance
Stress is followed by ___, or if the stress is prolonged ___
- Recovery
- Exhaustion
The 3-stage response to stress
General adaption syndrome
Stress responses
- Physiologic
- Physical
- Psychological
- Emotional
- Physical
- Environmental situation/conditons
The physiological responses involve the interaction of the ___, resulting in ___
- Endocrine and nervous systems
- Chemical and physical responses
The physiological response to stress is known as ___
Fight or flight
Reactions to stress can be categorized as ___
- Acute
- Delayed
- Cumulative
Occur during a stressful situation. You feel nervous and excited, your ability to focus increases
Acute stress reactions
___ Manifest after the stressful event. After things have calmed down, you may be left with nervous, excited energy that continues to build and becomes a distraction
Delayed stress reaction
Prolonged or excessive stress
Cumulative stress reactions
May develop after a person has experienced a psychologically distressing event. Characterized by re-experiencing the event and over-responding to stimuli that recall the event
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Critical incident stress management
First part of CISM
Defusing sessions
Designed to educate the participants as the the expectations over the next few days and give guidance on proper techniques to manage the feelings they may be experiencing
Defusing sessions
Debriefing sessions are held within ___
24 to 72 hours of a major incident
One of the important rules associated with the debriefing session is not to turn it into an ___
Operational critique
Describes a combination of exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced performance resulting from long-term job stresses in health care and other high-stress professions
A disorder characterized by gradual lessening of compassion over time
Compassion fatigue
Compassion fatigue is also know as ___
The cost of caring, or secondary stress disorder
The difference between secondary stress disorder and PTSD
PTSD is caused by direct exposure to traumatic incidents where compassion fatigue is a reaction to caring for people who have experienced trauma
Code Green Campaign
A mental health and advocacy organization for first responders
Calm reassurance on your part will inspire ___
Confidence and cooperation
___ takes priority over compassion
Professional judgment