Week 3- headaches Flashcards
What are the categories of a headache?
Primary- no other causative disorder
Secondary- caused by another disorder such as trauma or infection
Cranial neuralgias- central and primary facial pain due to cranial nerve problesm
What are the different types of primary headaches?
What are the signs and symptoms of a migraine headache
- nausea and vomiting sensitivity to light sensitivity to sound affected vision- aura around things sensitivity to smell and touch, numbness of face or extremities
What can trigger migraines?
Diet- chocolate, cheese, red wine Seep- too much or little menstraul cycle Physiochemical0 exessive heat or light or noises Emotional causes - stress Weekend headaches- relax too much
What are some treatment options for a migrain?
Avoid triggers
Medication- pain and blood pressure medications
Preventative- daily medication to reduce number of attacks- Metroprolo (beta blockers), antidepressents, anti-convulsants
Non-medication therapies- acupuncture, google, hydrotherapy, relaxation, yoga, meditation
What are the most common types of headaches?
What is the pain like in a tension headache?
Squeezing the head with a band. Pressure and tightness
What are some treatments for tension headaches?
Over the counter analgesics- asprin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen
What is a cluster headace?
Where there is moderate-sevre unilateral pain to the head or face- pain is usually under or around the eye
What features is a cluster headache assosated with?
Lacrimation, conjunctival injection, rhinorrhoea, nasal congestion, eyelid odeam and ptosis
What is AVs inital treatment for a cluster headache?
100% o2 on 15L non rebreather
What other inital thearpy can be done for a cluster headache outside of ambulance?
Subcutaneous Ttriptan injection- which is a SSRA that stimulate serotonin to reduce inflamation and constrict blood vessles.
What is a sinus headache?
Pain behind the browbone and or cheeck bones
What can follow on from a sinus headache?
Many are misdiagonised and can turn out to be migrains or TTH
What is the treatment for a sinus headache?
Same as TTH
Over the counter analgesiscs such as Ibuprofin, ketoprofin, asprin, naproen, and acetaminophen
What are secondary heachaes attributed to?
Head/neck trauma cranial or cervical vascular disorder Non-vascular intracranial disorder Substance abuse or withdrawl Infection Disorder of homoestasis psychiatric disorder
What are some characteristics of a cluster headache?
Pain begins quickly and is a deep constant pain with an explosive quality
What are the different durations of the primary headaches?
Migraine 8-72 hours
Cluster- 30mins-3 hours
tension- variable
sinus- variable
What are the sings and symptoms of a secondary headache caused by a ICH?
Thunder clap onset
neurological defects
What are the sings and symptoms of a secondary headache caused by Giant cell athritis??
Jaw pain, vision loss, fever and fatigue
What are the sings and symptoms of a secondary headache caused by internal corotid artery disection?
Scalp pain
dificulty speaking
drooping of eye
altered sensation on one side of face/body