Want to be Successful? Try These 3 Things Flashcards
Used to refer to someone who has died
* My late father always warned me about women like that…
* The late great John Lennon used to stay in this hotel.
Very good
* He is a brilliant business leader and speaker.
* This is really a brilliant presentation!
A principle on which a belief / theory is based
* That was a basic tenet that we all accepted.
* Non-violence was a key tenet of his beliefs.
A person who is one of the first to do something
* He was a pioneer in our industry.
* She wants to be a pioneer in her field.
A formal talk given on a serious subject, usually to students
* I had to sit through many lectures in college.
* I will give a lecture on this topic next week.
Profound necessity
adjective - noun
Something that is extremely necessary
* The profound necessity of this software cannot be denied.
* She spoke about the profound necessity of learning.
Time and time again
On many occasions
* Time and time again I have spoken to him about this…
* I have been to that small restaurant time and time again.
To convince someone to believe or do something
* I will need to persuade them to sign the contract.
* She was able to persuade the audience.
A strong opinion or belief
* It’s going to be hard to change his convictions.
* My conviction is that we should not do this.
Tune out
phrasal verb
To stop listening or paying attention to something
* Her students would usually tune out after an hour.
* I tuned out of the movie after a while.
To adjust something to suit a particular situation
* We need to tailor this service to the customers’ needs.
* She was able to tailor her speech for a foreign audience.
Extremely important / serious
* It is crucial that you meet us on time.
* He made a crucial mistake.
Know something inside and out
verbal phrase
To know something completely
* I studied that document until I knew it inside and out.
* She knows all these rules inside and out.
To direct something into a particular place / situation
* I was able to channel my energy into my work.
* We will need to channel our funds into this new business.
To understand something completely
* She absorbed everything her mother said.
* I was not able to absorb everything I heard.
Deliberate pace
adjective - noun
Speaking at a speed that shows what you are saying was carefully thought out in advance
* You should try to speak in a slow, deliberate pace.
* His speech was given in a deliberate pace.
Hang on every word
To listen very carefully to someone
* They hung on every word their leader said.
* He usually hangs on every word his hero says.
“The first piece of the puzzle”
The first part of the solution
* This is just the first piece of the puzzle, we need to investigate more.
* We need to solve the first piece of the puzzle.
To show something
* I need a letter from you that signifies that you are leaving.
* His speech signifies his love for his job.
To make something necessary
* That job necessitates me moving to London.
* Raising everyone’s salaries will necessitate changing our bonus system.
The cornerstone (of something)
An important quality on which something is based
* Hard work is the cornerstone of his success.
* Honesty is at the cornerstone of their marriage.
Resonate (with someone)
To affect someone in an emotional or personal way
* That movie really resonated with me and my wife.
* His speeches always resonates with the staff.
Word for word
Following the exact words
* We need someone to translate our meetings word for word.
* You should make sure to write down everything they say word for word.
Sharpen one’s skills
verbal phrase
To become better at what you are good at
* This workshop will definitely sharpen your skills.
* I’m trying to sharpen my communication skills.
Something that only happens once
* This will just be a one-off meeting.
* We will have a one-off event next month.
Waiting for inspiration to strike
To not actively look for inspiration
* She’s been waiting for inspiration to strike, but no luck so far.
* Don’t just wait for inspiration to strike.
Fertile ground
A situation that produces good results / ideas
* Our sessions are always fertile ground for new ideas.
* This method will create much needed fertile ground.
Batting average
One’s rate of doing something successfully
* His batting average with starting new companies is great!
* I’m studying trading to increase my batting average.
Dopamine levels
“Feel-good” hormones in your brain that get released as a reward for doing something
* Exercise and meditation will boost your dopamine levels.
* My dopamine levels feel a little low recently.