FOMO - Our Relationship With Social Media COPY Flashcards
“Picture this”
Used to say that the speaker wants you to imagine (in your head) what they are saying
And picture this, there I was, alone in the rain with no money in the middle of the night.
Well, picture this, the earthquake was so bad that things were falling on the floor.

To miss out on something
phrasal verb
Not being able to experience or take advantage of an opportunity
I really don’t want to miss out on this opportunity.
If you don’t go see that movie then you’re really missing out.

Triggered (by something)
A feeling / result is caused by something
That song always triggers happy emotions in me.
The pandemic triggered the current rise in inflation.

“All too easy”
Used to say that it is easy to make a mistake
It is all too easy to put on weight when working from home.
It is all too easy to take the wrong train in Tokyo.

To reevaluate / criticize something that happened in the past
He is always second-guessing his boss’ decisions.
Her reactions really made me second-guess my words.

A looming sense
A feeling that something bad will happen
I had a looming sense of failure in my youth.
They have a looming sense that China might invade Taiwan.

Kick (something)
To succeed in giving up an addiction / bad habit
He was finally able to kick smoking after many years.
I’m trying to kick my social media habit.

Spring to mind
verbal phrase
To think of something without much effort
That songs always springs to mind when I think of Spring.
Did any ideas spring to mind during your conversation?

Per se
By itself
It is not sugar per se that causes this disease.
It’s not the best bar per se, but I like it.

Behind the scenes
Something happening that cannot be seen
Well, behind the scenes they were stealing company secrets for years.
He did a lot of good behind the scenes.

“In the grand scheme of things”
In the long term / considering everything
In the grand scheme of things, this test result really doesn’t matter much.
In the grand scheme of things, it’s better to have friends than money.

A snippet
A small (interesting) part / piece of something
I like to just read snippets of news in the morning.
This is just a snippet of what we can expect at the ceremony.