From Being a Shy Kid to an All-Star Salesman Flashcards
Born to …
verbal phrase
To have a great talent for something
He was born to be a movie star.
I was born to do this job!

The gift of the gab
The ability to speak fluently and with confidence
We need to hire a salesman with the gift of the gab.
She definitely has the gift of the gab.

A confident and sociable person
My wife is a lot less outgoing than me.
Americans are, in general, very outgoing.

Deathly Afraid
adverb - adjective
Very afraid
She is deathly afraid of ghosts and the dark.
I am deathly afraid to go outside.

A formal dance at a school for students who are in their final year
He was too shy to ask a girl out to the prom.
I don’t want to go to my high school prom.

Most nerdy
He was definitely the geekiest guy in the class.
Akihabara must be the geekiest part of Tokyo.

Come down to …
verbal phrase
The final result / the main point
All this work comes down to our meeting tomorrow.
Everything I’ve done comes down to this.

Have had enough
To be tired / sick of something
I have had enough of this noise outside, I’m calling the police!
I think he has had enough of living in Saitama.

Totem pole
I don’t always want to be at the bottom of the totem pole.
He always thinks he is the top guy on the totem pole.