China Curbs Gaming Addiction, Bars Effeminate Culture Flashcards
Something that produces a lot of profit
The tapioca tea fad was a lucrative business in Tokyo last year.
She was able to make a lucrative investment in cryptocurrency.

To officially not allow something
Using your cellphone while driving is prohibited in most countries.
It is prohibited to smoke inside the office.

To control something dishonestly to one’s own advantage
She has been manipulating her boyfriend for years.
They were successful in manipulating the media thus far.

Tax evasion
The illegal non-payment of tax
He was prosecuted for tax evasion last year.
Many companies use off-shore bank accounts for tax evasion purposes.

verb / noun
To control / limit something that is not wanted
They will curb the amount of time their child can spend on line.
We are trying to place a curb on staff’s overtime.
Obsessive behavior
Behavior that one cannot control
They are trying to control the obsessive behavior of their son.
He has some obsessive behavior in regards to spending money.

Ideological battleground
A fight over the beliefs and interests of a nation
There is an ideological battleground in the US between the far-left and the far-right.
His words has sparked an ideological battleground in the media.

Keep … in check
verbal phrase
To keep something under control
She is trying to keep her emotions in check.
We need to keep our spending in check this month.

Effeminate men
adjective - noun
Men who have the characteristics typical of women
K-pop has made the image of effeminate men very popular.
Her bedroom walls were plastered with posters of effeminate men.

To shape something into a particular form
We are trying to mold new recruits into leaders.
They have been molding their children to become doctors.