How Will Work From Home Work After Covid? Flashcards
Very strictly organized & controlled
I went to a very regimented high school.
Buddhist monks have a very regimented lifestyle.
Traveling between work & home
My commute has been greatly reduced.
She still needs to commute to work every day.

Open relationship
adjective - noun
A relationship with someone / something that has less rules
Workers are now able to have a more open relationship with the office.
They have been in an open relationship for a while now.

We have made some significant changes to our policy.
There were no significant issues found.

Rush hour
Time period during the day when traffic is at its heaviest
I usually try to avoid rush hour by going home late.
I think she is stuck in rush hour again.

Squeeze down a street
verbal phrase
To go slowly down a street because of traffic / too many people
I could barely squeeze down the street this morning.
You’ll have to squeeze down that street if you want to come now.

Survey after survey
Many surveys
Survey after survey has shown dissatisfaction with our products.
We have seen in survey after survey that there is a lack of marketing.

Something that looks dirty / untidy
He had to try and hide the mess in his office this morning.
There was a big mess in the kitchen after dinner.

The ability to change
There is very little to no flexibility in this contract.
Workers want greater flexibility in their jobs.

A division between groups caused by a disagreement
Putin has caused a schism between Russia and the rest of the world.
A schism formed in the country after the election.

Separate from others
He has been isolated at home this entire time.
She felt very isolated after her divorce.

Shared flat
An apartment that is shared by several people
Many working professionals in London live in shared flats.
You’ll need to move into a shared flat first.

A very difficult situation
It was a great struggle for us to buy our first home.
There was a struggle within the company.

Radical experiment
adjective - noun
A very extreme experiment
A radical experiment was forced upon us by the pandemic.
The one-child policy in China was a radical experiment.

A model / a clear & typical example of something
Einstein created a new scientific paradigm.
We are seeing a paradigm shift in how people work.

Impact Demand
verbal phrase
To have an effect on the need for something
Rising gas prices will impact the demand for travel.
5G technology will impact demand for new services.

Property advisor
A person who advises property owners how to invest their money
We need to ask a property advisor about this.
She has been a property advisor for many Russian oligarchs.

To give reasons for one’s opinion / idea
He argued that we should not sell the office space yet.
I would argue that we don’t need any improvements.

“Deal with it”
Said to mean that someone should accept something they might not agree with
I can’t continue supporting you, deal with it!
Unfortunately we are not going back to the office, deal with it!

To change fundamentally
verbal phrase
Something changes completely
The political landscape in Europe changed fundamentally after the war.
We need to change our ideals fundamentally.

Split one’s time
verbal phrase
To divide one’s time between two or more things
I am able to split my time between my professional and personal life.
He splits his time between working and studying.

Long-term trend
A new development that will remain for a long time
Working from home has become a long-term trend.
Wearing masks seems to have become a long-term trend.

A slight change in direction / position
There has been a shift in his attitude recently.
I believe we will see a shift in their policy.

The size of something, usually large
The scale of the problem is really overwhelming.
I like to entertain friends on a small scale.

To believe something to be smaller than it really is
He underestimated the scale of the issue.
The shift in our culture should not be underestimated.

“Nothing short of…”
Used to emphasize how great something is
These results are nothing short of amazing!
The event was nothing short of a disaster…

A big change in the way people do things
We are living through a technological revolution.
The pill brought on a revolution in women’s ability to pursue their careers.

To make something unstable
Apple was able to destabilize the computer world on several occasions.
We hope our product will destabilize the market.

Occupancy rates
The amount homes / offices that are rented out
The occupancy rates of downtown Manhattan has decreased sharply.
We will see a drop in occupancy rates I believe.

Practically empty
Basically / almost empty
The office was practically empty last Friday.
The bottle was practically empty the next morning…

Speak “off the record”
verbal phrase
To say something to a journalist (usually) that one does not want published or have one’s name attached to
He was speaking off the record, but told me that Russia might not succeed.
She told me off the record that she didn’t really enjoy working for the president.

To find / identify the existence of something
We were able to detect several issues in the report.
He could detect the problem right away.

A worried or nervous feeling about something
I could detect some concern in his voice.
I think there is some concern that the plan might not work.

Sort something out
phrasal verb
To find an answer / solution for something
I’d like you to sort out these issues ASAP please.
I wasn’t able to sort out everything they asked for.

Needing a lot of time / energy / attention
This certainly is becoming a very demanding job.
She has a very demanding boss indeed.

A person who owns a building / office / home that someone else is renting
My new landlord is not very friendly.
Our landlord wants us to sign a new lease.

To a large degree
These rules will substantially change how we do business.
Prices have risen substantially recently.

The amount of money that something is worth
The valuation of their property has not changed at all.
The market valuation is up 10%.

A general opinion / agreement
The growing consensus is that Biden will not win a second term.
I think we have reached a consensus on this matter.

To be in a good situation (to do something)
We were well-positioned in the HR industry for growth.
She was well-positioned to handle that challenge.

Physical space
The real world (not online)
We decided to keep the office going so as to have a physical space where we can gather.
I prefer meeting my colleagues in the same physical space.

In a basic & important way
We need to change our marketing approach fundamentally.
She believes that most people are fundamentally good.

The act of giving one thing and receiving another
It’s good to meet in person to exchange new ideas with your team members.
He usually exchanges his camera when a new model is released.

Shift the dial
verbal phrase
To cause a noticeable change
The pandemic has shifted the dial in terms of tourism.
I don’t think this idea shifts the dial enough.

The argument
The main point / idea
The argument still stands, I don’t think we will change our minds.
The argument is that we simply cannot afford it.

A natural ability to be good at something
It’s wonderful to have some may people with useful talents onboard.
His talent for management needs to be encouraged.

To return to the usual situation
I sincerely hope that things will normalize soon.
Once things normalize we can go on a trip.

Silent majority
adjective - noun
A large group of people whose opinions are not expressed publicly
I believe that the silent majority still does not support this idea.
He hopes to be elected by the silent majority.

To repair / improve a building
There has been a lot of noisy renovation in my building.
I think we need some renovation work in our holiday house.

“The gloss comes off”
Something is not as great as you originally thought it was
After a few years of marriage the gloss finally came off.
I think once you move to NYC the gloss will come off.

Ghost town
A place where no one lives anymore
There are many ghost towns in Japan.
After the gold rush many ghosts towns were left behind.

Cram people in
phrasal verb
To put too many people in a small space
I don’t like to be crammed in on the morning train.
We were crammed into a very small office.