A Founder Reacts To Workforce Complaints Flashcards
verb / noun
A problem that causes some delay, but not very serious
- We had some hiccups when the project started, but everything is going well now.
- There was a little hiccup at the start of the concert.
Hold on (to someone)
phrasal verb
To keep an employee from quitting
* They were able to hold on to most of their workforce during the pandemic.
* They couldn’t hold on to her for very long.
Overworked and underpaid
When an employer makes an employee work too much and does not pay them enough
* I feel like I’m overworked and underpaid in my current position.
* I think they are all overworked and underpaid.
Attendance policy
A policy that outlines the rules of employee attendance, holidays, etc.
* Their attendance policy is quite good I think.
* We need to create a new attendance policy.
An employee that can be easily replaced
* Most fast food workers are easily replaceable.
* Her boss told her that she is replaceable?!
Tricking someone into believing something that is not true
* I’m tired of all the gaslighting from the government!
* She has been gaslighting her husband for years.
Elderly associates
Older employees (over the age of 65)
* They have many elderly associates working for them.
* My elderly associates refuse to retire.
A common narrative
A story one often hears, often not true
* The common narrative is that Italian people are lazy.
* There is a common narrative that millennials quit their jobs easily.
To change something to make it more modern / efficient
* We have decided to revamp our cafeteria completely.
* They are revamping their website at the moment.
Circle back (to something)
phrasal verb
To come back to or consider something again
* I want to circle back to my original point.
* I think we should circle back to our original idea.
The lowest common denominator
The large number of people who will accept something that is not very good
* MacDonalds tends to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
* Their products are aimed at the lowest common denominator.
Something blows one’s mind
verbal phrase
Something impresses or surprises someone
* That movie really blew my mind!
* I think your idea will blow everyone’s mind!
Take something with a grain of salt
Said that one should be careful to trust / believe something
* I would take everything he says with a grain of salt.
* I don’t trust that paper, I’ll take what I read with a grain of salt.
A factory where workers work many hours and are paid very little
* Adidas and Nike are well-known for using sweat shops.
* Her and her daughter both work in a sweat shop.
Incumbent upon someone
Necessary to do something
* It’s incumbent upon you to make sure that your staff gets paid on time.
* It’s incumbent upon everyone to contribute.
Bash (someone)
To criticize someone severely
* Iran is always bashing the United States.
* They have been bashing the new president non-stop.
Giving constant support to someone / a company
* She is very loyal to her husband.
* He has been loyal to the company for over 30 years.
“You don’t know what the hell you’re doing”
You are very bad at what you are doing
* This tastes terrible, you don’t know what the hell you’re doing!
* I think he has no idea what the hell he’s doing.
“In my book”
In my opinion
* In my book, he is the best manager I’ve worked for.
* She’s always been very loyal and in my book that really counts.
To be able to understand how someone else feels
* I’m trying to empathize with their situation.
* It’s important to be able to empathize with your staff.
Quality of life
The level of satisfaction and comfort someone has
* The quality of life in Scandinavian countries are very high apparently.
* We are trying to improve our staff’s quality of life.
Bring people in the door
verbal phrase
To bring customers / staff into your business
* Hopefully this campaign will bring new clients in the door.
* We hope that relaxing our dress code will bring people in the door.
Room to grow
There is still a lot of potential
* That service still has a lot of room to grow.
* I like this company, I feel like there is room for me to grow.
Sit on one’s ass
verbal phrase
To be lazy
* He’s just been sitting on his ass all year, I doubt he’ll find a job.
* Don’t just sit on your ass, do something!