$40m WILD Lifestyle! Caroline Ellison & SBF at FTX Flashcards
Stupid / unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at
* The salary they offer is pretty ridiculous!
* I think that was a ridiculous statement.
“As if it wasn’t enough”
Used to introduce a further issue in addition to that was already described
* He lost his wife, and as if it wasn’t enough, he also got fired!
* It was very cold last week, and as if that wasn’t enough, I had to sleep alone…
Large in quantity and expensive
* Michael Jackson had a very lavish lifestyle.
* We attended a really lavish party last week Friday.
Court filings
Documents filed with a court of law
* The court filings clearly show that he was not guilty.
* The media was not given access to those court filings.
Liquidity / Liquidation
Having enough money or assets to pay what is owed / When a company is sold to pay back debt
* They have sufficient liquidity.
* He was put in charge of the liquidation of FTX.
Company books
The accounting documents of a company
* Our company books are being examined at by their auditors.
* The media demanded to see their company books.
Gated community
A group of houses surrounded by protective walls where the entrance of people are strictly controlled
* He has been happy living in a gated community.
* That gated community seems quite secure.
Hijack (something)
To use something that does not belong to you for your own advantage
* All his ideas were hijacked by another company.
* They hijacked that philosophy.
Effective altruism
A philosophy of using one’s resources as much as possible to help others
* He is trying to follow the ideals of effective altruism.
* Effective altruism has failed.
“A means to an end”
Something you do in order to achieve something else
* I don’t really love my job, but it’s a means to an end.
* Getting married was just a means to an end for her.
Something is ‘covered’ (by someone)
adjective / verb
Something will be paid for by someone else (usually a company)
* Don’t worry, all our expenses are covered.
* They will cover our meals at the conference.
PR stunt
‘Publicity stunt’ - A planned event designed to attract the public & media’s attention
* They are offering free drinks as a PR stunt.
* That PR stunt was very affective.
In hindsight
Understanding something only after it has happened
* In hindsight I should have bought more Tesla stocks.
* It was only in hindsight that she realized he was a good husband.
To give information to the public that was not previously known
* Trump had to disclose his tax returns.
* They disclosed their source.
Financially sound
To be in a good / strong financial state
* I think they are financially sound.
* Our subsidiaries are not really financially sound.
Take issue (with someone)
phrasal verb
To disagree with someone
* He took issue with what she said.
* I take issue with that particular point.