5 Things to Do Before You Ask for a Raise Flashcards
Emotional Intelligence
The ability to understand & manage one’s emotions
None of my teachers had very good emotional intelligence.
We need to hire someone with a high degree of emotional intelligence.

A type of meditation focusing on the present moment
He practices mindfulness every morning for 20 minutes.
Mindfulness meditation has helped me deal with stress.

Physiological conditions
adjectice - noun
Conditions of the body
Bad physiological conditions has lead to many COVID-19 deaths.
The physiological conditions of patients are important to us.

Abundance mindset
adjective - noun
A positive mental attitude believing the world is full of opportunities & enough resources for all to share
I’m trying hard to cultivate an abundance mindset.
She attributes her success to having an abundance mindset.

Survival mindset
adjective - noun
A frame of mind focusing on self-empowerment
In a crisis one needs to get into a survival mindset sometimes.
It is hard to be open to new ideas if you are in a survival mindset.

Back … up
phrasal verb
To provide support for something
I hope he has some data to back up his claims.
The president was able to back up his decisions with science.

Put yourself into the other person’s brain
To imagine what the other person might be thinking / feeling
You should try to put yourself into the other person’s brain to understand them better.
He is able to put himself into other people’s brains.

Something that could happen or might be true
New laws could potentially lead to a drop in prices.
This is potentially the hottest summer on record.