How to Grow Your business faster with one simple change Flashcards
Let me tell you
Used to emphasize what you are saying
Well, let me tell you…it was the hottest place I’ve ever been to!
Let me tell you, I don’t think I can do that again…

Maximum capacity
adjective - noun
The biggest possible amount
The stadium easily reaches maximum capacity on weekends.
I think my team’s work is at maximum capacity this month.

Used to emphasize what is really true
I have literally no idea where she is!
This is literally the best steak I’ve ever had!

Not prepared to do something
He seems to be unwilling to help me…
They are unwilling to sign this contract so soon.

Kill yourself (doing something)
verbal phrase
To give yourself more work or stress than you can deal with
Try to finish this by Monday, but don’t kill yourself!
I killed myself trying to finish this on time.

Just a matter of weeks/days/etc.
Just a few weeks/days/hours
It’s just a matter of months before China attacks.
It’s just a matter of days until it starts snowing.

Sit on an idea
To have an idea, but not execute it
They’ve been sitting on this idea for ages.
You shouldn’t sit on that great idea for too long.

To prove the accuracy of something
It’ll be hard for us to validate these results.
They were able to validate everything that was in the report.

“Take your foot off the brake”
Stop trying to hold back something / go forward
You should just take your foot off the break and let her do what she wants.
Take your foot off the break and relax…

Crush it
phrasal verb
To do something successfully
Congratulations on the presentation, you crushed it!
I think we crushed it at the meeting yesterday!

Shut something down
phrasal verb
To stop continuing with something
Unfortunately we’ll need to shut this project down.
Let’s just shut it down!