Put Your Staff 1st, Customers 2nd, & Shareholders 3rd COPY Flashcards
Tend to
Someone / something usually behaves in a certain way or has certain characteristics
He tends to eat lunch alone on Fridays.
It tends to get very hot at night in the summer.

Go without saying
Used to say that something is obvious
Well…it goes without saying that her idea was the best.
It goes without saying that we need to prepare properly.

Well looked-after
Someone / something is cared for properly
They have been well looked-after by their father.
I make sure that my team is always well looked-after.

Someone’s beliefs, values, etc
My philosophy is that you should always be honest.
I think his philosophy clashes with the company’s values.

Used to describe what the real result of a situation is
Effectively, we will need to create a new contract.
The interview went well, so effectively you have the job!

“In this day and age”
At the present time (as seen from a historical perspective)
In this day and age it’s amazing that there is still war going on.
It’s shocking that in this day and age there are still people dying from hunger.

Out and about
To be going out and doing things
She has been out and about the entire weekend.
I prefer to be out and about whenever I have free time.

A quality / characteristic
Being a good listener is a key attribute for any leader.
That business has many positive attributes.

An opinion given about something
We received a lot of negative feedback after the presentation.
Your feedback is very important to us.

Act on …
phrasal verb
To take action
We need to act on this feedback ASAP.
I will act on his suggestion.