Vocabulary Final COPY Flashcards
Q: A constitutional amendment in 1920 that guaranteed women the right to vote.
A: Nineteenth Amendment
Q: A form of government in which voters elect the legislature (Parliament), and Parliament then chooses the chief executive (Prime Minister).
A: Parliamentary Democracy
Q: Average annual income of people in a country.
A: Per Capita Income
Q: A form of government where there is a separation of powers between the legislature and chief executive. People elect legislators and the President.
A: Presidential Democracy
Q: An eyewitness document close to the events it records.
A: Primary Source
Q: A political movement of the early 1900s which sought to correct the abuses of industrialization and to reform government.
A: Progressive Movement
Q: One-sided information and ideas spread in order to gain public support for a cause or to damage an opposing cause.
A: Propaganda
Q: The fear of Communism in America in the 1920s leading to the arrest and deportation of radicals and foreigners.
A: Red Scare
Q: A policy that divides a country into economic and political regions.
A: Regionalism
Q: A source well-supported by verifiable facts.
A: Reliable Source
Q: Two successive revolutions that first overthrew the Russian Tsar and then established the world’s first Communist government.
A: Russian Revolution
Q: The theory developed during the Enlightenment that government is based on an agreement between those who govern and those who are governed.
A: Social Contract
Q: The rivalry between the Soviet Union and United States in the 1960s to put astronauts into space.
A: Space Race
Q: The focusing of a nation’s economy on producing what it does best.
A: Specialization
Q: Programs introduced by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to fight the Great Depression; they included social, economic programs to lower unemployment and regulate the economy.
A: New Deal
Q: On October 29, thousands of investors panicked and tried to sell their stocks at any price, causing stock prices to collapse. The crash threw the world economy into a Great Depression.
A: Stock Market Crash of 1929
Q: A tax imposed on goods imported from foreign countries.
A: Tariff
Q: A government ruled by religious leaders.
A: Theocracy
Q: An argument that is presented in a report. The thesis states the main idea of the report in one sentence.
A: Thesis
Q: An economic system in which the chief economic decisions are answered by tradition and custom.
A: Traditional Economy
Q: The treaty with Germany ending World War I. The treaty was noted for its harsh treatment of Germany and creation of the League of Nations.
A: Treaty of Versailles
Q: The Cold War policy in which President Truman pledged to give assistance to the governments of Greece and Turkey and to all other “free peoples” resisting Communism.
A: Truman Doctrine
Q: The constitutional amendment that gave 18-to-20-year-olds the right to vote.
A: Twenty-sixth Amendment
Q: The group organized in the early 1960s by Cesar Chavez to help migrant workers gain better pay and working conditions.
A: UFW (United Farm Workers)
Q: An international peacekeeping organization formed after World War II to promote international harmony, peace, and economic development.
A: United Nations
Q: A case in which the Supreme Court ruled that universities could not use racial quotas for admission, but could take race into account as a factor for admission.
A: University of California v. Bakke
Q: The movement of large numbers of people from rural areas to cities, primarily in search of jobs.
A: Urbanization
Q: The war fought during the 1960s and early 1970s by American and South Vietnamese forces against Communist North Vietnam.
A: Vietnam War
Q: A feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s, gaining momentum for equal rights for women.
A: Women’s Liberation Movement
Q: The first of two destructive global wars in the 20th century. Conflicting nationalist aims in Europe led to its outbreak.
A: World War I
Q: The second global war of the 20th century, caused by German aggression in Europe and Japanese expansion in Asia. World War II was the most destructive war in human history.
A: World War II
A Latino political organization founded in 1970 by Jose Angel Gutierrez
La Raza Unida
an organization founded in 1966 to pursue feminist goals, such as better childcare facilities, improved educational opportunities, and an end to job discrimination
National Organization of Women (NOW)
the belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men
American feminist and journalist; she founded Ms. magazine to discuss contemporary issues from a feminist perspective
Gloria Steinem
aproposed and failed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that have prohibited any government discrimination on the basis of sex
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
American feminist and writer; her book, The Feminine Mystique, explored the frustrations of women with their domestic lives in the 1950s and 1960s
Betty Friedan