Lesson 6 Vocabulary Flashcards
Question: This individual served as the United States Secretary of State under President William McKinley and issued the Open Door Notes to ensure that no single nation would monopolize trade with any part of China.
Answer: John Hay
Question: These messages, sent by Secretary of State John Hay in 1899 to Germany, Russia, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan, requested that these countries not interfere with U.S. trading rights in China.
Answer: Open Door Notes
Question: In 1900, this rebellion saw members of a Chinese secret society aim to free their country from Western influence.
Answer: Boxer Rebellion
Question: This artificial waterway, which cuts through the Isthmus of Panama to provide a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, opened in 1914.
Answer: Panama Canal
Question: An extension of the Monroe Doctrine announced by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904, this policy stated that the U.S. had the right to protect its economic interests in Western Hemisphere nations by military intervention.
Answer: Roosevelt’s Corollary
Question: This U.S. policy involves using the nation’s economic strength to influence other countries.
Answer: Dollar Diplomacy
Question: This Mexican bandit and revolutionary leader led revolts against Carranza and Huerta. Though pursued by the U.S., he managed to evade General Pershing.
Answer: Francisco “Pancho” Villa
Question: This Mexican revolutionary led a revolt against Porfirio Díaz in the south of Mexico during the Mexican Revolution.
Answer: Emiliano Zapata
Question: This American Army Commander led the expeditionary forces into Mexico in pursuit of Pancho Villa.
Answer: John J. Pershing
Question: Queen of the Hawaiian Islands, she opposed U.S. annexation but lost power following a U.S.-supported revolt, leading to the establishment of a new Hawaiian government.
Answer: Queen Liliuokalani
Question: This policy involves extending a nation’s authority over other territories through economic, political, or military means.
Answer: Imperialism
Question: This U.S. Admiral was a strong advocate for the creation of a modern U.S. Navy.
Answer: Alfred T. Mahan
Question: This United States Secretary of State, under Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia.
Answer: William Seward
Question: Established in Hawaii in 1887, this U.S. naval base served as a refueling station for American ships.
Answer: Pearl Harbor
Question: This American sugar magnate played a key role in the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani and later became the president and governor of Hawaii.
Answer: Sanford B. Dole
Question: A Cuban writer and independence fighter, this individual symbolized Cuba’s struggle for freedom.
Answer: José Martí
Question: This Spanish general used brutal tactics to suppress the Cuban rebellion, which intensified calls for American intervention in Cuba.
Answer: Valeriano Weyler
Question: This term refers to the sensationalized, exaggerated reporting by newspapers or magazines to attract readers.
Answer: Yellow journalism
Question: This U.S. warship mysteriously exploded and sank in the harbor of Havana, Cuba on February 15, 1898.
Answer: USS Maine
Question: A commodore in the U.S. Navy, this individual spearheaded the attack in the Pacific during the Spanish-American War.
Answer: George Dewey
Question: This revolutionary cavalry regiment, commanded by Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt, served in the Spanish-American War.
Answer: Rough Riders
Question: This location marked a significant victory for American infantry during the 1898 conflict in Cuba against Spain.
Answer: San Juan Hill
Question: This treaty, which concluded the Spanish-American War, saw Spain freeing Cuba, handing over Guam and Puerto Rico to the U.S., and selling the Philippines to the U.S. for $20 million.
Answer: Treaty of Paris
Question: Passed by Congress in 1900, this legislation ended U.S. military rule in Puerto Rico and established a civilian government.
Answer: Foraker Act
Question: In 1901, this series of provisions was imposed on Cuba’s new constitution by the U.S., restricting Cuba’s foreign policy and financial decisions, and granting the U.S. the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and acquire Cuban land.
Answer: Platt Amendment
Question: A country whose political, economic, or military policies are controlled or heavily influenced by a stronger nation is known as a:
Answer: Protectorate
Question: Self-proclaimed president of the new Philippine Republic in 1899, this leader fought for Filipino independence.
Answer: Emilio Aguinaldo