EOC Vocabulary #4 Flashcards
The absence of government. The use of violence (at times) to deny authority or a particular government.
Answer: Anarchy
A group that opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution out of fear that it would be too powerful and offered too few protections to its citizens (i.e., no Bill of Rights).
Answer: Anti-Federalists
The hearing and determination of a disputed case by a third party agent.
For example, when a boss and employee couldn’t agree on a pay increase, they went to _________.
Answer: Arbitration
The first ten amendments in the U.S. Constitution that protected individual liberties.
Answer: Bill of Rights
Limits imposed on all branches of government by providing corresponding branches the opportunity to amend, modify, and correct the actions of another.
Answer: Checks and Balances
A preoccupation with the purchasing of material goods, particularly in American culture, and a movement for the protection of people from misleading advertisements, inferior products, dangerous products, etc.
Answer: Consumerism
A law passed after the Glorious Revolution (1688 – anti-Catholic movement that led to the overthrow of James II) that put limits on the new monarchs (William and Mary - Protestants) and set out the rights of Parliament.
Answer: English Bill of Rights
A word that references the branch of our nation’s president.
Answer: Executive
A system of government established by the United States of America in 1787 that promoted a balance of power or relationship that exists between States and the central government.
Answer: Federalism
A person who favored the adoption of the U.S. Constitution.
Answer: Federalist
Requiring a person to be brought before a court or judge. This is also used as a protection against illegal imprisonment.
Answer: Habeas Corpus
An agreement between the U.S. and Great Britain that the U.S. alone would build the Panama Canal (nullifying the Clayton Bulwer Treaty).
Answer: Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
A word that references our nation’s courts.
Answer: Judicial
While it lacked a means of enforcement, this agreement renounced war as a national policy.
Answer: Kellogg-Briand Pact
The act of making laws or a law or body of laws.
Answer: Legislation
A Supreme Court decision that stated that laws limiting working hours violated the Fourteenth Amendment.
Answer: Lochner v. New York
A belief that government power should be restricted by law.
Answer: Limited Government
Passed in 1215 in England, King John was forced to sign this document which extended civil liberties to English citizens.
Answer: Magna Carta
Industries who made arms that were blamed after WWI for making money off of the war and loss of life.
Answer: Merchants of Death
Widespread philosophical thought that develops with changes in culture and society.
Answer: Modernism
A law that limited people from Eastern and Southern Europe and almost excluded people from Asia.
Answer: National Origins Act of 1924
Legislation that stated the following: no more than three to five States in the land east of the Allegheny Mts, north of the Ohio River, and East of the Mississippi River, admission to the Union would be possible when the territory reached 60,000 inhabitants, civil rights and liberties guaranteed, no slavery or involuntary servitude, and a system of education established.
Answer: Northwest Ordinance of 1787
An investigation led by a senator from North Dakota to determine if the U.S. munitions industry improperly benefited financially from World War I. While no irregularity was found, the opinions of the people of the committee influenced the U.S. to pass a series of neutrality acts in the 1930s.
Answer: Nye Committee
This term describes a type of grassroots democracy.
Answer: Populism
The introductory statements added to the Constitution by Governor Morris of Pennsylvania.
Answer: Preamble
A clause, a stipulation, or a proviso in a law.
Answer: Provision
A law passed in 1765 that required that British soldiers be housed by colonial legislatures.
Answer: Quartering
The confirmation or sanctioning of something, usually in reference to government or legal actions.
Answer: Ratification
A person who advocates for partial or majority control of the economy by the government.
Answer: Socialist
An organization created in the 1950s and dissolved in the 1970s that provided for anti-communist mutual defense in the Asian rim.
Answer: Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
The beliefs of those opposed to liberalism and/or radicalism.
Answer: Traditionalism
This term refers to the rights of people that the courts will rely upon a body of citizens to render its decisions.
Answer: Trial by Jury
A law drafted in 1776 that declared the rights of men which included the right to abolish inadequate government.
Answer: Virginia Declaration of Rights
The first arms reduction meeting held in the U.S. which brought nations such as Japan, China, France, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, and Portugal together to discuss ways to keep the events that led to WWI from happening again. The five powers agreement limited the construction of battleships, destroyers, aircraft carriers, etc.
Answer: Washington Naval Conference
Originating from a poem by Rudyard Kipling, this term generally refers to taking care of the developing world by the developed world.
Answer: White Man’s Burden
A federal program established in 1965 that provides health insurance for people on welfare.
Answer: Medicaid
A federal program established in 1965 that provides hospital insurance and low-cost medical insurance to Americans 65 years and over.
Answer: Medicare