12.5_6 Flashcards
Question: Who was the first human to orbit Earth and which spacecraft was used?
Answer: Yuri Gagarin orbited Earth in 1961 aboard Vostok.
Question: Name the first American to travel into space and the year it happened.
Answer: Alan Shepard in 1961.
Question: Who was the first American astronaut to orbit Earth and when did this occur?
Answer: John Glenn in February 1962.
Question: List the crew of the Apollo 11 mission and describe their achievement.
Answer: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin (moonwalkers), and Michael Collins (command module), 1969.
Question: What impact did the space program have on education and technology in the United States?
Answer: Advanced math and science education, spurred technology in computing, increased government spending.
Question: What led to the Cuban Missile Crisis after the Bay of Pigs Invasion?
Answer: Soviet missile supplies to Cuba post-Bay of Pigs.
Question: How did Kennedy respond to the discovery of Soviet missiles in Cuba?
Answer: Ordered a full naval blockade of Cuba.
Question: Detail the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Answer: Missiles removed from Cuba in exchange for a U.S. non-invasion pledge and secret missile removal from Turkey.
Question: How did the Berlin Wall come into existence and what was its purpose?
Answer: Built in 1961 to stop East Germans from fleeing to West Berlin.
Question: What was the significance of the “hotline” established during the Cold War?
Answer: Enabled direct communication between the Kremlin and the White House to prevent crises.
Question: What were the key features and outcomes of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968?
Answer: Prevented nuclear weapons spread, promoted disarmament and peaceful nuclear use.
Question: What was Nixon’s approach to foreign policy and how did it differ from previous strategies?
Answer: Focused on pragmatic engagement with powerful nations using realpolitik.
Question: Describe the outcomes of Nixon’s 1971 visit to China.
Answer: Normalized relations with China, opened diplomatic and economic exchanges.
Question: What was the purpose and outcome of the SALT I Treaty?
Answer: Limited numbers of ICBMs and submarine-launched missiles, marking a major arms control step.
Question: How did Reagan’s policies contribute to the end of the Cold War?
Answer: Military buildup and strategic initiatives stressed the Soviet economy, catalyzing political changes.
Question: Detail the events leading to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Answer: Economic issues, nationalistic movements, and Gorbachev’s reforms led to its dissolution.