Vocabulary 10 Flashcards
Question: Totalitarian dictator of the Soviet Union who led the Soviet Union through World War II and created a powerful Soviet sphere of influence in Eastern Europe after the war?
Answer: Joseph Stalin
Question: Characteristics of a political system in which the government exercises complete control over its citizens’ lives?
Answer: Totalitarian
Question: Italian fascist leader who ruled as Italy’s dictator for more than 20 years beginning in 1922 and made Italy a totalitarian state?
Answer: Benito Mussolini
Question: A political philosophy that advocates a strong, centralized, nationalistic government headed by a powerful dictator?
Answer: Fascism
Question: Totalitarian dictator of Germany whose invasion of European countries led to World War II. He believed in the supremacy of the German Aryan race and was responsible for the mass murder of millions of Jews and others in the Holocaust?
Answer: Adolf Hitler
Question: The political philosophy based on extreme nationalism, racism, and militaristic expansion that Adolf Hitler put into practice in Germany from 1933 to 1945?
Answer: Nazism
Question: Japanese nationalist and general who took control of Japan during World War II?
Answer: Hideki Tojo
Question: The British Prime Minister at the beginning of World War II who supported the policy of appeasement, allowing Hitler to gain land and power in the 1930s?
Answer: Neville Chamberlain
Question: British Prime Minister during World War II who opposed the policy of appeasement and led Great Britain through World War II?
Answer: Winston Churchill
Question: The granting of concessions to a hostile power in order to keep the peace?
Answer: Appeasement
Question: An agreement in which two nations promised not to go to war with each other?
Answer: Non-aggression pact
Question: From the German word meaning “lightning war,” a sudden mass attack with combined air and ground forces intended to achieve a quick victory?
Answer: Blitzkrieg
Question: The systematic murder or genocide of Jews and other groups in Europe by the Nazis before and during World War II?
Answer: Holocaust
Question: Night of broken glass, a name given to the night of November 9th, 1938, when gangs of Nazi stormtroopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues in Germany?
Answer: Kristallnacht
Question: The deliberate and systematic extermination of a particular racial, nationality, or religious group?
Answer: Genocide
Question: A city section where a certain minority group is pressured or forced to live?
Answer: Ghetto
Question: A prison camp operated by Nazi Germany where Jews and other groups considered to be enemies of Adolf Hitler were starved, while doing slave labor, and were murdered?
Answer: Concentration camp
Question: A series of laws enacted in the 1930s to prevent US arms sales and loans to nations at war?
Answer: Neutrality Acts
Question: The group of nations, including Germany, Italy, and Japan, that opposed the Allies in World War II?
Answer: Axis Powers
Question: A U.S. law passed in 1940 that enacted the nation’s first peacetime military draft?
Answer: Selective Training and Service Act
Question: A law passed in 1941 that allowed the US to ship arms and other supplies, without immediate payment, to nations fighting the Axis powers?
Answer: Lend-Lease Act
Question: In 1941, declaration of principles in which the US and Great Britain set forth their goals in opposing the Axis powers?
Answer: Atlantic Charter
Question: The group of nations, including Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the US, that opposed the Axis powers?
Answer: Allies
Question: American general and politician; he led US mobilization for World War II and helped plan the nation’s war strategy?
Answer: George Marshall
Question: U.S. Army unit created during World War II to enable women to serve in non-combat positions?
Answer: Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC)
Question: An agency established by Congress to control inflation during World War II?
Answer: Office of Price Administration (OPA)
Question: An agency established during World War II to coordinate the production of military supplies by US industries?
Answer: War Production Board (WPB)
Question: A restriction of people’s rights to buy unlimited amounts of particular foods and other goods, often implemented during wartime to ensure adequate supplies for the military?
Answer: Rationing
Question: The US program to develop an atomic bomb for use in World War II?
Answer: Manhattan Project
Question: African American union and civil rights leader; his protest in World War II led President Roosevelt to ban discrimination in government and defense jobs?
Answer: A. Philip Randolph
Question: American civil rights leader and founder of the Congress of Racial Equality; he sought to confront urban segregation in the North?
Answer: James Farmer
Question: An interracial group founded in 1942 by James Farmer to work against segregation in Northern cities?
Answer: Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Question: Confinement or a restriction in movement, especially under wartime conditions?
Answer: Internment
Question: An organization that pushed the US government to compensate Japanese Americans for property they had lost when interned during World War II?
Answer: Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)