Vocabulary 12.5 Flashcards
Question. 1987 agreement between the US and the Soviet Union that eliminated some weapon systems and allowed for on-site inspections of military installations?
Answer. Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
Question. The restructuring of the economy and the government instituted in the Soviet Union in the 1980s?
Answer. Perestroika
Question. The open discussion of social problems that was permitted in the Soviet Union in the 1980s?
Answer. Glasnost
Question. A proposed defense system popularly known as Star Wars, intended to protect the US against missile attacks?
Answer. Strategic Defense Initiative
Question. Russian politician who was the last president of the Soviet Union before the country’s collapse in 1991?
Answer. Mikhail Gorbachev
Question. American politician and the 40th president of the US; his presidency focused on arms control and the end of the Cold War?
Answer. Ronald Reagan
Question. 39th president of the US; his focus on human rights brought the end to détente as Cold War policy?
Answer. Jimmy Carter
Question. 38th president of the US; he became president after the resignation of Richard Nixon and continued Nixon’s Cold War policies?
Answer. Gerald Ford
Question. A 5-year agreement between the US and the Soviet Union signed in 1972 that limited the nations’ numbers of intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched missiles?
Answer. SALT Treaty
Question. The flexible policy involving a willingness to negotiate and easing of tensions that was adopted by President Richard Nixon and his advisor Henry Kissinger in their dealings with communist nations?
Answer. Détente
Question. A foreign policy advanced by Henry Kissinger and the Nixon administration based on consideration of a nation’s power rather than its ideas or moral principles?
Answer. Realpolitik
Question. German-born political scientist and Secretary of State under President Nixon; he believed in Realpolitik and helped create the détente policy?
Answer. Henry Kissinger
Question. 37th president of the US; he championed the policy of détente and visited both China and the Soviet Union?
Answer. Richard Nixon
Question. Treaty signed in 1968 under which nuclear powers agreed not to sell or give nuclear weapons to any other country, and non-nuclear powers promised not to develop or acquire such weapons?
Answer. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Question. The 1963 treaty in which the US and the Soviet Union agreed not to conduct nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere?
Answer. Limited Test Ban Treaty
Question. A communication link established in 1963 to allow the leaders of the US and the Soviet Union to contact each other in times of crisis?
Answer. Hotline
Question. A concrete wall that separated East Berlin and West Berlin from 1961 to 1989, built by the communist East German government to prevent its citizens from fleeing to the West?
Answer. Berlin Wall
Question. Communist political leader of Cuba from 1959 to 2008; he helped overthrow the Cuban government in 1959 and seized control of the country, exercising total control of the government and economy?
Answer. Fidel Castro
Question. 36th president of the US; he took office after the assassination of John F. Kennedy?
Answer. Lyndon Baines Johnson
Question. The idea that if a nation falls under communist control, nearby nations will also fall under communist control?
Answer. Domino theory
Question. A policy developed during the Kennedy administration that involved preparing for a variety of military responses to international crises rather than focusing on the use of nuclear weapons?
Answer. Flexible response
Question. 35th president of the US; during his administration, the US faced off with the Soviet Union in Cuba and Berlin?
Answer. John F. Kennedy