Module 8 Vocab Flashcards
American labor leader, president of the United Mine Workers and founder of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). He helped win labor victories through strategies such as the sit-down strike.
Answer: John L. Lewis
The system that sets limits on how many immigrants from various countries a nation will admit each year?
Answer: Quota system
Italian immigrant anarchist executed for robbery and murder along with Nicola Sacco, generated international attention?
Answer: Bartolomeo Vanzetti
A person who opposes all forms of government?
Answer: Anarchist
An economic and political system based on one-party government and state ownership of property?
Answer: Communism
Opposition to political and economic entanglements with other countries?
Answer: Isolationism
Favoring the interests of native-born people over foreign-born people?
Answer: Nativism
An unreasoned fear of things or people seen as foreign or strange?
Answer: Xenophobia
An arrangement in which a purchaser pays over an extended time without having to put down much money at the time of purchase?
Answer: Installment plan
A preoccupation with the purchasing of material goods?
Answer: Consumerism
The unplanned and uncontrolled spreading of cities into surrounding regions?
Answer: Urban sprawl
The 30th president of the United States; he became president upon the death of Warren G. Harding and was known for his honesty and pro-business politics?
Answer: Calvin Coolidge
U.S. Secretary of the Interior in the Harding administration; he was found guilty of bribery for his role in the Teapot Dome scandal?
Answer: Albert B. Fall
Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall’s secret leasing of oil-rich public land to private companies in return for money and land?
Answer: Teapot Dome scandal
A group of close friends and political supporters whom President Warren G. Harding appointed to his cabinet?
Answer: Ohio Gang
A set of regulations enacted by Congress in 1922 that raised taxes on imports to record levels in order to protect American businesses against foreign competition?
Answer: Fordney-McCumber Tariff
American politician who served as Secretary of State and participated in the Washington Naval Conference?
Answer: Charles Evans Hughes
29th president of the U.S.; his policies favored businesses, but his administration was known for scandals?
Answer: Warren G. Harding
Italian immigrant anarchist executed for robbery and murder along with Bartolomeo Vanzetti , generated international attention?
Answer: Nicola Sacco