Vertebral Column Flashcards
Presacral Vertebrae
Located superior to the sacrum, 24 total
5 fused vertebrae
4 small coccygeal vertebrae
Cervical Vertebrae
7 total, in the neck
Thoracic Vertebrae
12 total, attached to the ribs
Lumbar Vertebrae
5 total in the lower back
Interertebral discs
23 pads of fibrocartilage are btwn each vertebrae
Two segments: Outer ring of fibrocartilage and semi solid center
Act as shock absorbers
Annulus Fibrosis
Outer ring of fibrocartilage
Nucleus Pulposus
Semi solid center
Herniated Disc “Slipped disc)
Damage to annulus fibrosis allows for nucleus pulposus to squirt out potentially harming spinal nerves
Normal curvature of Spine
S- shaped (Lateral view)
The cervical and lumbar regions project foward
Thoracic and sacral regions curve backward
Anterior view this looks straight
Cervical 1 vertebrae
Fused to the skull
Cervical 2 vertebrae
Forms the pivot point that permits rotation of the head
Dens of axis
Allows for piovting
Transvrse processes
Two projections of the vertebra, lateral
Spinous process
One projects dorsally allow muscles to attach
Transverse Foramina
Small openings allow for vertebral arteries to pass through the neck on their way to the brain
ON the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae
Intervertebral Foramina
On ALL vertebrae
Lateral openings that provide unrestrcted passage way for the spinal nerves to enter or excit the spinal cord.
Auricular surfaces of the Sacrum
two ear-shaped surfaces
Covered with hyalin cartilage and from sacroiliac joints
Alignment to one side or another
Projection of thoracic spine with exaggerated anterior lumbar curvature
Happens in pregnancy
Humpback or hunch back
Foward curvature of the thoracic vertebrae
Alteration in the alignment
May be consequence of decreased bone mass associated with aging or osteoporosis