Lecture 4 (The Endocrine System) Flashcards
Endocrine Galnds
Ductless, hormone secretions go into the bloodstream -> target organs
9 locations of endocrine glands
Pituitary Pineal Thyroid Parathyroid Thymus Adrenal Pancreas Ovaries Testes
Pituitary Gland
Located in Sella Turcica of Sphenoid bone
Releases hormones that go to other glands
Embryonic Devo
Brain -> posterior lobe
Rathke’s pouch (Off the mouth) -> Anterior Lobe
Pituitary gland tumor
To remove: Go through the roof of the mouth or the nasal cavity and follow the path of rathke’s pouch
Press on the optic nerve causes problems of vision
Pituitary hormones (Posterior lobe)
Oxytocin, antidiuretic hormone
Pituitary Hormones (Anterior Lobe)
Thyroid stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotrohpic hormone, female follicle stimulating hormone, letuinizing hormone, prolactin (milk production)
Too much growth hormone before adult age
Too much growth hormone as an adult,
Bones become thicker not longer
Location: the neck
Only gland that stores hormones
Cold zone -> area of the thyrpod that isnt making the hormone shown on a thyroid scan
Enlargement of thyroid
Dont know if it is either overactive or underactive
Happens when there is not enough iodine
Iodized salt introudced by american govt to deal with not enough seafood in the diet
Can be environmentally induced goiter
FIX: increase iodine
Excessive thyroid
Incr in metabolism
Fluid filled in eyes, psuh back the eyelids, startled look
Hyperactive, cant sleep
Removing part of the gland
Thyroid cancer
Rare, dectected early, you can feel the tumor
Beside/ next to
Parafollicular cells of the thryroid -> calcitonin
Parathryoid Glands
Usually 4, small, Back of the thyroid
Too much of the hormone, calcium is pulled out of the bones = osteomalacia (adults) and rickets (kids)
Overactive can create kidney stones
Adrenal glands
Medulla -> epinephrine and norpinephrine
Cortex -> 30+ cells, 3 layers of cells, must have this to survive
Hormones control fluid balance, food metabolism, stress respone
Filled with rough ER
Insulin produced by the islets of langerhans
Insulin drives sugars into tissues
Diabetes Mellitus
Insufficent insulin -> sugar diabetes
Sugar blood lvl extremely high
Type I
Children and adols Juvenile onset
Type II
In older adults
Type I problems
Damage to arteies = incr in stroke, kidney disease, poor circulation, foot sores, bleed into the eyes
Type II causes/ problems
Caused by weight
less severe
Get to proper body weight it goes away
Changes what the lymphocytes do for the rest of the individuals life thymatic lymphocytes (T-cells) HIV acts on T- Cells = do not function