Lecture 5 (Ostelology and the Vertebrae) Flashcards
5 Functions of Bones
- Support
- Movement: muscle attach to bones, only reason they can contract
- procection: vulnerable organs (brain, spinal cord, lungs, heart
- Mineral reservoir: calcium and sulfure, can be pulled from bones when calcium is low and absorbed by the bones when it’s too high
- Hemopoiesis:”blood” “to form something” Production of red, white, plateletes
7 Classifications of bones
- Long: like tubes (Thigh bone, hands)
- Short: cube shaped, (wrist bones, ankles)
- Flat: Narrow, not round, (sternum)
- Irregular bones: Pelvis, secrum
- Pneumatic: contain spaces of air, in the skull (sinuses)
- Sesamoid: Like saseme seds), knee, patella, hands and feet
- Supernumerary: anything extra of the 206 normal bones, extra fingers and toes
Compact Bone
Very dense, organize appearance
Spongy Bone
Great cavities, center of the bones, where bone marrow is
Deposited along lines of force
Bone production
Made every single day, Old bone tissue is recycled, influenced by Nutrition -> malnutrition = soft bones Hormone Blood Supply -> cut off = tissue death
Where ligaments are formed
Attach here
Ligaments attach to bone, muscle attach to ligaments
Linning of bone marrow cavity
Red Bone Marrow
Makes red, white, platelets,
In the center of the body where there is more heat
ALWAYS transplant red marrow
Yellow Marrow
Forearm, hands, less, has fat tissue/ fat cells
Marrow is in resting mode for blood cell making
During blood loss or anemia, yellow marrow will activates and make red, white, and platelets
Embryonic Origin
Bone is from the mesoderm
Entirely made of cartilage at the beginning
Slowly replaced, starts at the center and then the ends
Epiphyseal Plate
Is the last bit of cartilages that is left over
When youre 25 yrs the bones stop growing
The cartilages is all gone
Milk and hormones influence growth
How much pituitary growth hormon, how much sex hormones, how much the glands, parathyroid and parafollicular cells change calcium levels during growth
Classification of 206 bones
Axial skeletone = 80 bones -> Skull - 29 -> cranium = 8 -> facial = 14 -> hyoid = 1 -> Inner ear = 6 -> Verebral column = 26 bones -> cervical = 7 -> thoracic = 12 -> lumbar = 5 -> sacrum (5 fused) and coccyx (3 to 5 fused) = 2 -> Thoracic = 25 -> sternum = 1 (3 fused bones) ->Ribs = 24 (12 pairs) Appendicular Skeleton = 126 bones
most common bone pathology
Growing children -> fracture -> epiptheal growth plate -> damage to growth plate
-> upper extremity -> no big deal
-> Lower extremity -> problems of posture, walking and running
Bone Splinter in little kids
“green stick” -> fractures like a tree branch
Set the bone,
never happens in adults because bones are fully calcified
Bone transplant for crushed bones
Can do in the same indv. (small portions only)
Large portion -> use another tissue from the national bone bank
Compact bone has become spacious
rate of bone loss > bone regeneration
Common after menopause
Sex hormone lvls are lower which are essential for bone health
Occurs in men and women after menopause at the same rate
Increase amount of bone mass with exercise and water = blood is sent to bones more
Causes -> smooke tobacco, abuse steroids disrupts hormones
Increase risk of fracture
Not enough calcium in childrens diet
Bones cant support weight
Fix with proper nutrition
“bone” “to starve”
IN adults
B.c. of poor nutrition = soft bones
Bacterial infection, advanced, not treated = enter skeleton and enter bones and destroy bones
Bacterial Infection
Enter blood stream, go throughout the body into the skeleton, destroy bones and joiints
Common in the spine, destroy pelvis as well
Bone tumors (benign) can be easily removed
Primary in the bones (Malignant), not very common
Secondary tumors: from somewhere else
Breast cancer, goes into bones easily
Prostate and colon cancer
Very painful to have cancer here, how it is often diagnoised
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Bones become swollen, joints become very swollen, joint become stiff, very painful
Common in hands and fingers
Osteo arthritis
Degeneration of bone
Juvenile = starts at least 1 to 3 years and before 16 yrs
occurs all of their life
Form crystals in joints
Destorys joint and bones
Metabolic disease
Can use hip and knee replacement surgery