Vasculature of Head and Neck Powerpoint Flashcards
Right and left common carotid arteries
Derived from: Right from brachiocephalic trunk and left from aortic arch
Travel superiorally into the anterior triangle of the neck ending at the 4th cervical vertebra
Empty into: Internal and external carotid arteries
Carotid sinus
Thickened region at the terminal part of the common carotid artery or beginning of internal carotid artery, functions to regulate BP and pulse, has thin tunica media but thick tunica adventitia and has nerve endings to send afferent signals from glossopharyngeal nerve
External carotid artery
Derived from: common carotid arteries
Travels superiorally at the upper boarder of the thyroid cartilage and gives rise to superior thyroid artery, ascending pharyngeal artery, facial artery, occipital artery, posterior auricular artery, lingual artery
Empties into: superficial temporal and maxillary arteries at the parotid gland
Superior thyroid artery
Derived from: 1st branch off external carotid artery
Travels inferiorally toward the upper pole of the thyroid gland
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Derived from: 2nd branch off external carotid artery
Travels superior and deep on the wall of the pharynx
Lingual artery
Derived from: 3rd branch of external carotid artery
Travels superiorally into the submandibular region to supply structures of the floor of the mouth and tongue with hypoglossal nerve crossing it
Facial artery
Derived from: 4th branch of external carotid artery
Travels upward deep to the submandibular salivary gland to supply the face
Occipital artery
Derived from: 5th branch of external carotid artery
Travels from posterior face opposite facial artery, upward reaching the back of the scalp by entering the posterior triangle of the neck
Posterior auricular artery
Derived from: 6th branch of external carotid artery
Travels from the upper border of the posterior belly of digastric to enter a groove between auricle and back of scalp
Maxillary artery
Derived from: terminal branch of external carotid artery
Travels from the parotid gland anteriorally
Superficial temporal artery
Derived from: terminal branch of external carotid artery
Travels from parotid gland superiorally along the temporal bone
Inferior thyroid artery
Derived from: thyrocervical trunk artery
Travels superiorally behind the thyroid to supply it
Thyroid ima artery
Derived from: brachiocephalic trunk (right) or aortic arch (left)
Travels superioraly in front of the trachea to supply the isthmus, some have it some do not!!!
Acronym for branches of external carotid
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Supratrochlear artery
Derived from: opthalmic artery
Travels medial superiorally from the orbit over the forehead
Supraorbital artery
Derived from: opthalic artery
travels superiorally from orbit over the forehead
Internal carotid artery
Derived from: common carotid artery
Travels superiorally entering the carotid canal (giving off NO branches in the neck) within the carotid sheath, gives rise to opthalmic artery near termination
Empties into: anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, and posterior communicating artery
Carotid sheath
Bundle of nerve and vessels entering the carotid canal in the temporal bone, includes internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, and internal carotid artery
Vertebral artery
Derived from: 1st branch of subclavian artery
Travels superiorally in front of the 7th cervical vertebra and into the cervical foramen at c6, travels thru foramen magnum
Empties into basilar artery
Basilar artery
Derived from: Left and right vertebral arteries
Travels on the anterior surface of the pons, supplying cerebellum, internal ear
Empties into right and left posterior cerebral arteries
Posterior cerebral artery
Derived from: basilar artery
Travels to supply the posterior cerebrum, giving off posterior communicating artery branches on each side
Opthalmic artery
Derived from: Internal carotid artery
Travels anteriorally to supply the orbit
Empties into supraorbital and supratrochlear arteries
Posterior communicating arteries
Derived from: posterior cerebral arteries
Travels to connect the internal carotid with the posterior cerebral
Empties into internal carotid artery
Middle cerebral artery
Derived from: Internal carotid artery
Travels to supply the lateral cerebrum
Anterior cerebral artery
Derived from: internal carotid artery
Travels to supply the anterior cerebrum, has branch of anterior communicating artery
Anterior communicating artery
Connects left and right anterior cerebral arteries
Saccular/berry aneurysms
Weakening of an arterial wall to create a bulge that is asymptomatic but may be at risk for rupture, associated with many congenital diseases including PKD and coartation of aorta, risk factors include smoking, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia
Most likely place for berry aneurysms to occur in the brain
Anterior or posterior communicating artery, bifurcation of middle cerebral artery from internal carotid
Pooling of blood outside of vessel, sometimes caused by the rupturing of an aneurysm
Choroidal artery
Derived from: middle cerebral artery
Travels posteriorally to the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle to supply the choroid plexus
Posterior auricular vein
Travels in the posterior auricular groove
empties into the external jugular vein aat the parotid gland after combining with posterior division of retromandibular gland
Posterior division of retromandibular vein
Derived from: superficial temporal vein and maxillary vein
Travels inferiorally down the temporal bone in front of the ear
Empties into the external jugular vein at the parotid gland after combining with the posterior auricular vein
External jugular vein
Derived from: posterior auricular vein and posterior division of retromandibular vein
Travels from the parotid gland behind the angle of the mandible obliquely across sternocleidomstatoid into the posterior triangle
Empties into the subclavian vein
Supratrochlear and supraorbital veins
Travel to the medial margin of the orbit
Empty into: the facial vein
Superficial temporal vein
Travels inferiorally down the temporal area
Empties into the posterior division retromandibular vein at the parotid gland
Maxillary vein
Travels inferiorally from the maxilla of the face
Empties into the posterior division of retromandibular vein at the parotid gland
Internal jugular vein tributaries from inferior to superior
Middle thyroid vein Superior thyroid vein Lingual vein Facial vein Pharyngeal vein Inferior petrosal sinus
Internal jugular vein pneumonic
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Internal jugular vein
Derived from: sigmoid sinus
Travels thru jugular foramen descending through neck in carotid shealth, receiving 6 tributaries
Empties into brachiocephalic vein
Inferior thyroid veins
Travel from isthmus of thyroid, anastamose together, descend in front of trachea
Empty into brachiocephalic veins of thorax
Veins of the brain lack ____. They lie in the ____
valves, subarachnoid space
Anterior jugular vein
Travels down the neck close to midline, united by a jugular arch
Empties into the external jugular vein
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Cause of 5-10% of strokes, onset is sudden headache with severity never previously experienced, followed byimpairment of consciousness and eventual coma and death, as well as nuchal rigidity and other signs of meningeal irritation
Preferred method of screening to confirm a subarachnoid hemorrhage, back up if results inconclusive?
CT scan, if negative spinal tap,
Epidural hemorrhage
Tear in meningeal artery, vein, or dural sinus leading to hematoma visible on CT scan, leading to headache, cofusion, seizures, respiratory depression, and death
Acute subdural hematoma
Hematoma rom tear in veins from cortex to superior sagital sinus from cerebral laceration, onset of symptoms is longer