Heart and Mediastinum Flashcards
Craig don't let me down
Heart is derived from the ___ on day ___ of fetal development
Mesoderm, 22-23
Space between lung pleura tht houses the heart, trachea, esophagus, thoracic duct, vagus, and phrenic nerves
Orientation of the heart in the chest
Right ventricle sits behind sternum, left is rotated more posteriorally, rests upon the diaphragm
Visceral pericardium is also known as the…
Layers of the heart from outside to inside
Parietal pericardium, visceral pericardium/epicardium, myocardium, endocardium
Acute pericarditis
Pain and friction rub on the heart due to inflammation, infection, radiation, etc. - often presents with pain feeling better when leaning forward
Cardiac tamponade
Compression of the heart by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity interfering with ventricular filling, often appearing as hypotension, pulsus paradoxus, sometimes caused by trauma, 2ndary pericarditis, catheterization
Beck’s triad
3 signs of cardiac tamponade, hypotension, jugular venous distension, and faint heart sounds
How much fluid is normally in the pericardial space
Fossa ovalis
Remnant indentation of a foramen between the left and right atria during fetal development that allowed for blood to bipass the unventilated pulmonary circulation
Pectinate muscles
Internal ridges of myocardium in the right atrium and both auricles, unknown function
Interventricular septum
Wall that divides the ventricles, can fail to close in certain defects
Trabeculae carnae
Ridges along the ventricular walls that prevent the vacuum suctioning of blood upon contracction
Papillary muscles
Sit in the ventricles to pull on the AV valves via the chordae tendinae to keep them from prolapsing backwards during systole
Most common congenital heart abnormality
Bicuspid aortic valve where 2 leaflets fuse together causing aortic regurgitation and stenosis