Neuroanatomy Spine Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
last anatomy
Anterior spinal artery
Derived from: vertebral arteries
Travel from near the termination of vertebral arteries together and then down the foramen magnum to travel inferiorally along the front of the spinal cord to the cauda equina
Posterior spinal arteries
Derived from: vertebral arteries
Travel within the grey matter of the spinal cord alongside eachother down the foramen magnum inferiorally to the termination of the psinal cord
Main venous drainage source of the brain
Dural venous sinus
Conus medullaris
Termination of the spinal cord at the 2nd lumbar vertebra
Filum terminale
Strand of fibrous tissue that continues from the conus medullaris inferiorally to attach the spinal cord and meninges to the coccyx
Cauda equina
Nerve roots that extend byond the conus medullaris termination of the spinal cord
Cauda equinal syndrome
Nerve compression that causes fecal incontinence and other lumbar nerve issues potentially resulting in paralysis if not treated
Dural venous sinus
Form the venous drainage system of the brain (valveless,), removes blood to the internal jugular vein
Spinal tap needs to be done at the L3 L4 vertebra space because…
….subarachnoid space still coninues here but it is below the conus medullaris
Denticulate ligaments
Extensions from pia to dura mater to allow attachment of all 3 layers of meninges
General dermatome distribution
C - arms and neck
T - chest and abdomen
L lower back anteror legs
S - butt and posterior legs
A spino tract is…
A spinal tract is…
Ascending tracts always contain ___ fibers while descending ___
sensory, motor
Crossing over of tract from one side of the body to the other
3 ascending tracts
Dorsal column, spinothalmic (lateral and ventral), spinocerebellar
Dorsal column ascending pathway detects… it crosses over in the…. therefore lesion results in….
…fine touch, vibration, pressure….medulla…ipsalaterla loss below level of lesion
3 common things that cause deficiency in dorsal column pathway
Spinothalmic tract ascending pathway detects…. it crosses over in the… therefore lesion resutls in…
Pain and temp and crude touch… spinal cord immediately…. contralateral loss below level of lesion
Spinocerebellar tract ascending pathway detects….it crosses over in the…. therefore lesion results in…
unconscious proprioception…does not cross….remains ipsaplateral defect
Upper motor neuron and example of defect
Located in the CNS, tumor in brain or spinal cord
Lower motor neuron and example of defect…
Located in PNS, trauma to the body
Corticospinal motor tract causes….it crosses over in the… therefore lesion results in…
Allows precise coordinated limb movements and muscle tone….medulla immediately….therefore ipsalateral affect
Subconscious motor tract examples (4)
Subconscious motor tract function
regulation of balance, muscle tone, eye, hand and upper limb position
LMN paralysis is ____ while UMN is ____
flaccid, spastic
Rubrospinal trat
Sends info to flexor extensor muscles
Tectospinal tract
Reflex movements of head in response to visual and auditory stimuli
Reticulospinal tract
Eye movements and respiratory musles
Vestibulospinal tract
Sends info from inner ear to maintain head position
Autonomic vs somatic reflexes
Autonomic require a 2 step process because of pre and post gangionic fibers, somatic is just a straight shot
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gerig disease)
Causes upper and motor neuron signs such as weakness, wasting, atrophy, and hyperflexia and spasticity (think about the tongue shaking back and forth)
Guillan Barre syndrome
2ndary autoimmune weakness brought on after infection, affects axon and myelin sheath causing seensory and lower motor neuron loss
Brown sequard syndrome
An incomplete spinal cord lesion usually due to penetrating injuries or blunt trauma resulting in ipsalateral loss of proprioception, vibration, position sense and tactile discrimination, but contralateral loss of pain and temp sensation below level of lesion