Lower Extremity Nerves and Vessels Flashcards
Medial plantar artery
Derived from: posterior tibial artery
Travels along the foot after posterior tibial wraps around the medial malleolus to supply medial foot
Lateral plantar artery
Derived from: posterior tibial artery
Travels along the foot after posterior tibial wraps around the medial malleolus to supply the lateral foot
Posterior tibial artery
Derived from: popliteal artery
Empties into: lateral and medial plantar arteries
Travels in the deep posterior chamber inferiorally until wrapping around the medial malleolus, has fibular artery branch come off off it
Fibular artery
Derived from: posterior tibial artery
Travels laterally from the posterior tibial artery in the lateral chamber of the leg inferiorally
Anterior tibial artery
Derived from: popliteal artery
Empties into: dorsal pedal artery
Travels anteriorally through the hole atop the interosseous membrane and then inferiorally in the anterior chamber of the leg
Dorsal pedal artery
Derived from: anterior tibial artery
Travels anteriorally along the dorsum of the foot
Popliteal artery
Derived from: femoral artery
Empties into: posterior and anterior tibial arteries
Travels inferiorally name changed from the femoral artery at the adductor hiatus at the medial/posterior thigh just above the knee, goes through the popliteal fossa, has genicular arteries come off here, branches just below the knee into posterior and anterrior tibial arteries
Genicular arteries
Derived from: popliteal artery
Travel around the knee to supply the area as well as middle genicular with the ACL
Femoral artery
Derived from: external iliac artery
Empties into: popliteal artery
Travels from the inguinal canal where the name change occured inferiorally on the anterior side of the leg, with a profunda femoral artery going deep from it, it continues to the adductor hiatus on the medial/posterior thigh where it undergoes another name change
Profunda femoral artery
Derived from: Femoral artery
Travels deep from the femoral artery into the deep thigh, has 2 circumflex branches arising from it as well as 3 perforating arteries
Medial circumflex branch of femoral artery
Derived from: profunda femoris artery
Travels from 1st branch off profunda femoris travels around the anatomic neck of the femur
Lateral circumflex branch of femoral artery
Derived from: profunda femoris artery
Travels from 2nd branch off profunda femoris travels around surgical neck of the femur
Perforating arteries
Derived from: profunda femoris artery
Travel posteriorally on the medial side of the thigh, penetrating adductor magnus to supply hamstring muscles posteriorally
Descending limb of lateral circumflex branch of femoral artery
Derived from: lateral circumflex branch of femoral artery
Travels inferiorally to supply the vastus lateralus on the lateral side of the thigh
Obturator artery
Derived from: Internal iliac artery
Travels inferiorally passing through the obturator foramen (duh) to supply muscles there