Musculoskeletal Anatomy of Upper Extremity Powerpoint Lecture Side Info Flashcards
Which arm forearm bone rotates?
The radius, the head of the radius is rounded and allows for spinning over the ulna
Bones that are particularly susceptible to injury in the wrist
- Carpal navicular/scaphoid is prone to fracture, blood supply becomes compromised resulting in long healing periods
- Lunate disloation is easy
Most likely spot for a clavicle break and most common mechanism to cause a clavicular fracture?
S bend, FOOSH (fall on outstretched hands)
Scapula primary function
Huge attachment site for muscles, such as rotator cuff
Frozen shoulder syndrome
Removed mobility of the scapula
PIP joint
Proximal interphalangeal joint between proximal and intermediate phalanges
IP joint
Interphalangeal joint, between proximal and distal phalanges on digit 1
DIP joint
Distal interphalangeal joint, between intermediate and distal phalanges
Cephalic vein pathway and similarities to lower limb
Travels up the anterior face of the arm in the superficial fascia, up the deltopectoral groove and empties into the subclavian or axillary vein, pretty much identical to great saphenous in lower limb
Basilic vein pathway
Travels up the medial face of the arm in the superficial fascia before diving deep and emptying into the axillary vein
Median cubital vein
Junction between cephalic and basilic, used in phlebotomy
Trace the aortic arch and its branches
- brachiocephalic artery (right common carotid and right subclavian)
- left common carotid
- Left subclavian
- Subclavian becomes axillary
- Axillary becomes brachial
- brachial becomes radial and ulnar
- Radial becomes deep palmar arch
- ulnar becomes superficial palmar arch
- Anastamoses
Thoracoacromial trunk pathway
-Comes off axillary artery briefly after changing from subbclavian artery, sends blood vessels forward (pectoral branch) and backward (acromial branch)
Posterior and anterior humoral circumflex arteries
Surround the surgical and anatomical neck of the humerus
Dangers of improper casting
Cutting off blood supply to profunda brachii artery, particularly seen in children who frequently have humoral fractures