Lower Abdomen Anatomy Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
Pathway of GI
- Mouth
- esophagus
- stomach
- duodenum
- jejunum
- ileum
- Cecum
- ascending colon
- transverse colon
- descending colon
- sigmoid colon
- rectum
- anus
Nearly all nutrient absorption occurs in the….
….small intestine
Portion of small intestine that curves around head of pancreas receiving stomach contents as well as sphincter of oddi, retroperitoneal portion of alimentary canal
Ligament of Treitz
Small hard piece of intestine that wraps around the circumference dividing duodenum from jejunum
Portion of small intestine receiving flow from the duodenum, covered in serosa and suspended by mesentary
Last portion of small intestine, covered with serosa and suspended by mesentary ending at ileocecal junction
Secretin (source and function)
Released by the duodenum and stimulates secretion of sodium bicarbinate from pancreas and bile secretion in the liver
Cholecystokinin source and function)
Duodenum, stimulates release of digestive enzymes in the pancreas and emptying of bile from gallbladder
Gastrin Inhibitory peptide (source and function)
Released by the duodenum to decrease stomach motility to slow emptying of the stomach
Motilin (source and funciton)
Duodenum, increases GI motility and stimulates pepsin prodctuin
Gastroduodenal artery
Derived from: common hepatic artery
Travels to upper duodenum and head of pancreas to supply
Superior mesenteric artery
Derived from: abdominal aorta
Travels after branching just inferior to celiac trunk to supply most of small intestine, lower part of duodenum, and cecum
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
Invaginations of the epithelial mucosa into the lamina propria where they form crypts housing stem cells and immune cells
Another name for the submucosal plexus is the….
….meissner plexus
Brunner’s glands
Submucosal glands found in the duodenum that produce bicarb and inhibit chief and parietal cells, protecting duodenum from acidic content