Urinary Tract AHS1 Flashcards
What parts make up the upper urinary tract?
What parts make up the lower urinary tract?
What glands are associated with the kidneys?
The adrenal glands
Which kidney is cranial?
What are the big blood vessels of the kidneys?
Renal arteries and veins at hilus
Left gonadal vein empties into the left renal vein
What are the 3 types of kidney?
What is the join between the cortex and the medulla called?
The corticomedullary junction
What is the part of the kidney that collects the urine called?
The renal pelvis across the renal crest
What are the blood vessels that run through the kidney called?
Arcuate arteries
What are the pyramids of the kidney?
The segments of the medulla
What are the lobes of the kidney?
A pyramid with the adjacent cortex attached
Where does each lobe drain into?
Drains through the papilla (apex of the lobe) into the calices - funnels that drain into the renal pelvis
What is a lobule of the kidney?
Where you find the glomerulus
What is a multipyramidal kidney?
When the cortex/medulla hasn’t fused so has a clear lobar pattern
Which main animal has multipyramidal kidneys?
Where are the kidneys situated in the cow?
The right kidney is in normal place
The left kidney is pushed over to the midline by the rumen and looks twisted
What doesn’t the Multipyramidal kindey have?
A renal pelvis
Instead the lobes drain into the calices and go straight into the ureter
What is a Multipapillate kidney?
When the cortex is fused but the medulla is not
What animals have a Multipapillate kidney?
Pigs and humans
How is the urine collected in the Multipapillate kidney?
Through the minor and major calices into the renal pelvis
Where are pig kidneys located?
They are symmetrically located and are dorsoventrally flattened
What is a unipyramidal kidney?
When both the cortex and the medulla are fused
What animals have a unipyramidal kidney?
Dog, cat, horse, sheep etc.
What is it called when the papillae join together in a unipyramidal kidney?
The renal crest
What indicates the former lobes in a unipyramidal kidney?
The arcuate and interlobar arteries
What is different between cat and dog kidneys?
Cat kidneys are both palpable and are more mobile (less retroperitoneal)
What is the main distinguishing feature of cat kidneys?
They have capsular/stellate veins on their capsule - look like a star
What shape are the left and right equine kidney?
The left is bean shaped
The right is heart shaped
What is different about sheep kidneys?
They are covered in fat
What are the interlobular arteries?
They give off the glomeruli
How is the kidney sympathetically innervated?
Via the coeliacomesenteric ganglion
How is the kidney parasympathetically innervated?
Via the vagus nerve
What epithelium lines the ureter?
Transitional epithelium
How does the ureter propel urine down it?
Peristalsis - it is a tube of smooth muscle
What is important to note about the location of the ureter?
It is very close to the uterine horns so need to be careful during a bitch spay
How does the ureter enter the bladder?
Through the ureterovesical junction
What is the course of the ureter into the bladder?
It enters obliquely and has a long intramural course
What does having a long intramural course mean and what is significant about it?
It runs within the wall of the bladder for a long time
When pressure in the bladder increases it naturally squeezes the ureter shut to prevent backflow
Where is the bladder located?
At the cranial edge of the pubis and it extends cranioventrally into the abdomen
What is the area of the bladder where all the openings are called?
The bladder trigone
What opens into the bladder at the trigone?
The ureterovesical openings
The internal urethral meatus(opening)
Where is the trigone located?
At the dorsal bladder neck
What are also located at the bladder trigone?
Most of the stretch receptors
What smooth muscle makes up the bladder wall?
The detrusor muscle
What sphincters are associated with the lower urinary tract?
The internal urethral sphincter
The external urethral sphincter
What is the internal urethral sphincter made from?
It is a continuation of the detrusor muscle
What is the external urethral sphincter made from?
The urethralis muscle - it is striated
What supplies the bladder with sensory innervation?
Stretch receptors
What supplies the bladder with parasympathetic innervation?
The pelvic nerves
What supplies the bladder with sympathetic innervation?
The hypogastric nerves
What supplies the bladder with somatic innervation?
The pudendal nerve
What does parasympathetic innervation cause in the lower urinary tract?
It brings about micturition (urination):
It contracts the detrusor muscle to squeeze the bladder
It relaxes the internal urethral sphincter
What does sympathetic innervation cause in the lower urinary tract?
It inhibits the detrusor muscle
It contracts the internal urethral sphincter
What does somatic innervation cause in the lower urinary tract?
It contracts the external urethral sphincter
What is the arterial blood supply to the bladder?
Vesical branches of the urogenital artery from the internal iliac artery
What is the venous blood vessel from the bladder?
The internal pudendal vein which drains to the internal iliac vein
What is the main muscle of the urethra?
The urethralis muscle
What does the urethralis muscle do?
Surrounds most of the urethra and the external urethral sphincter
What type of muscle is the urethralis muscle?
Striated muscle - voluntary
What nerve innervates the urethralis muscle?
The pudendal nerve
What makes a male cat difficult to catheterise?
The flexure - things often get blocked there