Upper Extremity: the Forearm Flashcards
flexor compartment of the forearm is on the __ aspect. Has __ muscles.
The extensor compartment is on the __ aspect. Has __ muscles.
Flexor compartment of the forearm is on the anterior aspect. Has pronator muscles.
The extensor compartment is on the posterior aspect. Has supinator muscles.

The flexor muscles arise on the __ epicondyle of the humerus.
The extensors arise on the ___ epicondyle.
The flexor muscles arise on the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
The extensors arise on the lateral epicondyle.

4 muscles of the SUPERFICIAL ANTERIOR compartment of the forearm (flexor/pronator)
- pronator teres
- flexor carpi radialis
- palmaris longus
- flexor carpi ulnas

OIF of pronator teres (superficial anterior forearm)
o; medial epicondyle of humerus
i; lateral shaft of radius
f; pronation at radioulnar joint. Flexion at the elbow.

OIF of flexor carpi radialis
recal;; it’s part of anterior forearm superficial layer
o; medial epicondyle of humerus
i; bases of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones (anterior)
f; flexion at wrist. abduction at wrist.
- flexion at elbow

OIF of flexor carpi ulnaris
o; medial epicondyle of humerus
I; base of 5th metacarpal bone (anterior)
f; flexion at wrist, adduction at wrist
- flexion at elbow

intermediate layer of the anterior forearm (OIF)
flexor digitorum superficialis.
o ;medial epicondyle of humerus and radius
i; middle phalanges of 2nd-5th digits (anterior)
F; flexion of 2nd-5th digits. flexion at wrist. flexion at elbow.

the ___ ___ __ muscle is a powerful hand flexor excepto for the ___ joints. it connects tendons from the digits 2-5
the SDF: flexor digitorum superficialis

deep anterior muscles (3) of the forearm
- flexor digitorum profundus
- flexor pollicis longus
- pronator quadratus

OIF of flexor digitorum profundus (DDF)
o; lateral epicondyle of the ulna
i; distal ends of the 2nd-5th digit (not the thumb)
f; flexes all the joints including the DIP. also flexes the wrist.
OIF of the flexor pollicis longus
O; radius
i; distal phalanx of thumb
f; flexion of thumb/first digit, flexion at wrist
OIF of pronator quadratus
distal anterior surface ulna
i; distal anterior surface radius
f; pronation at radioulnar joint

Posterior compartment superficial muscles (extensor/supinator)
- anconeous
- extensor carpi ulnaris
- extensor digitorum
- extensor digiti minimi

common extensor (posterior forarm) origin
on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
OIF of the brachioradialis
O; the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
I; distal radius
F; flexion at elbow
OIF of extensor carpi radialis
o; lateral epicondyle of humerus
i; bases of the 2nd and third metacarpal bones (bosterior)
f; extension at rist, abduction at wrist
- extension at elbow
OIF of extensor digitorum
o; lateral epicondyle of humus
i; distal phalanges (2-5th digit posterior)
f; flexion of digits besides thumb, extension of wrist
OIF of extensor carpi ulnaris
o; lateral epicondyl of humerus
i; base of 5th metacarpal bone (pinky)(posterior)
f; extension at wrist, adduction at wrist, extension at elbow

what is the 1 posterior forearm muscle that is not involved with the extension of the wrist
the brachioradialis. it is involved with flexion at the elbow
deep layer of posterior foraem muscles (extensor muscles)
- supinator
- abductor pollicis longus
- extensor pollicis longus and brevis
- extensor indicis

OIF of supinator (deep layer posterior forearm)
o; lateral epicondyle of humerus and olecranon process of ulna
i; lateral surface of radius
f; supination at radioulnar joint
OIF of abductor pollicus longus ((deep layer posterior forearm)
o; posterior surface of radius and ulna
i; base of first metacarpal
f; abduction of thumb
OIF of extensor pollicus longus and brevis ((deep layer posterior forearm)
o; posteiror surface of ulna
i; base of first distal phalanx
f;; extension of thumb
OIF of extensor indicis (deep layer posterior forearm)
o; posterior surface of ulna
i; distal phalanges of 2nd digits (pointerindex finger)
f; extension of 2nd digit, extension at wrist.
Radialis group of posterior muscles
Brachioradialis (superficial)
Extensor carpi radialis longus (superficial)
Extensor carpi radialis brevis superficial
Palmar flexion: mainly __ carpi muscles
Dorsoflexion: mainly __ carpi muscles
Ulnar deviation (adduction): __ and __ carpi ulnaris
Palmar flexion: mainly FLEXOR anteriorcarpi muscles
Dorsoflexion: mainly EXTENSOR posterior carpi muscles
Ulnar deviation (adduction): FLEXOR and EXTENSOR carpi ulnaris

Extensor pollicis longus and brevis pass through and create the anatomical __ __. The radial artery also runs underneath the structure.
Extensor pollicis longus and brevis pass through and create the anatomical snuff box. The radial artery also runs underneath the structure