Lower Extremity: Skeletal Elements and Regions Flashcards

the pelvic girdle is made up of 3 fused bones:
the ileum, pubis and ischeum.
The free limb is divided into the thigh (__), leg (__ and __), and __. It is connected to the pelvic girdle by the _ joint.
The free limb is divided into the thigh (femur), leg (tibia and fibula), and foot. It is connected to the pelvic girdle by the hip joint.
the femur is the long bone of the thigh.
Proximally, its large ball-shaped head articulates with the ___ of the hip bone.
The neck, angled inferolaterally, connects the __ with the ___.
Greater and lesser ___, sites for muscle attachments, are separated by an intertrochanteric crest posteriorly and an intertrochanteric line anteriorly.
The shaft is slightly bowed anteriorly and, in the anatomic position, is angled medially.
Linea aspera, paired ridges on the posterior surface of the shaft, diverge distally as the medial and lateral supracondylar lines.
Distally, the medial and lateral ___ are attachment sites for ligaments of the knee, and the ___ ___ is an attachment site for muscle.
The femur articulates with the ___ at the medial and lateral ___, which are separated by the intercondylar notch.
The femur articulates with the ___ anteriorly at the patellar surface.
Proximally, its large ball-shaped head articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone.
The neck, angled inferolaterally, connects the head with the shaft.
Greater and lesser trochanters, sites for muscle attachments, are separated by an intertrochanteric crest posteriorly and an intertrochanteric line anteriorly.
The shaft is slightly bowed anteriorly and, in the anatomic position, is angled medially.
Linea aspera, paired ridges on the posterior surface of the shaft, diverge distally as the medial and lateral supracondylar lines.
Distally, the medial and lateral epicondyles are attachment sites for ligaments of the knee, and the adductor tubercle is an attachment site for muscle.
The femur articulates with the tibia at the medial and lateral condyles, which are separated by the intercondylar notch.
The femur articulates with the patella anteriorly at the patellar surface.

condyles of the femur connect ___, and epicondyles of the femur connect ____
condyles of the femur connect BONE (FEMUR TO TIBIA), and epicondyles of the femur connect LIGAMENTS (OF THE KNEE)

the ___ ____ is the site of attachment of adductor muscles of the thigh
linea aspera. can be seen on the posterior view of the thigh
The patella, a large ___- bone, forms the ___ (Figs. 15.4 and 15.5; see also Fig. 16.14).
It articulates with the distal ___ at the knee joint.
Superiorly, its base is attached to the ___ tendon.
Inferiorly, its apex is attached to the ____ ligament.

The patella, a large sesamoid bone, forms the kneecap (Figs. 15.4 and 15.5; see also Fig. 16.14).
It articulates with the distal femur at the knee joint.
Superiorly, its base is attached to the quadriceps tendon.
Inferiorly, its apex is attached to the patellar ligament.
T/F the patella sits on/articulates with the tibia and femur
false. it only sits on the femur. it’s a lot more superior than we think

the tibia articulates with the femur at the _ _, which has flat medial and lateral _ separated by an intercondylar eminence.
It articulates with the fibula proximally at the _ joint and distally at the tibiofibular __.
A ___ __ tubercle (Gerdy’s tubercle) separates the lateral condyle from the lateral surface of the tibial shaft.
A tibial tuberosity on the anterior surface below the tibial plateau is an attachment site for __ ___ muscles via the ___ ligament.
Distally, the medial malleolus forms part of the __ of the ankle joint.
The sharp anterior border of the shaft is palpable between the knee and ankle.
An interosseous membrane connects the shaft of the tibia and fibula.
the tibia articulates with the femur at the tibial plateau, which has flat medial and lateral condyles separated by an intercondylar eminence.
It articulates with the fibula proximally at the tibiofibular joint and distally at the tibiofibular syndesmosis.
A triangular anterolateral tubercle (Gerdy’s tubercle) separates the lateral condyle from the lateral surface of the tibial shaft.
A tibial tuberosity on the anterior surface below the tibial plateau is an attachment site for anterior thigh muscles via the patellar ligament.
Distally, the medial malleolus forms part of the mortise of the ankle joint.
The sharp anterior border of the shaft is palpable between the knee and ankle.
An interosseous membrane connects the shaft of the tibia and fibula.

explain the Q angle
the angle between the femur and the leg
- differs between males and females because of hip ratios
- ankle joint: artculation between distal tibia and talus
- talus also articulates with lateral malleolus of fibular, and medial malleolus of tibia.

what kind of bone is the pubic sphysis
a fibrocartilagenous joint
the ileum is connected to the sacrum at the __ joint
sacroiliac joint, a synovial joint
the three bones of the pelvic girdle are fused at the ____, the deep socket of the hip joint.
between the two trochanters of the femur is a space where ligaments of the hip joint can attach, what is it?
the surgical neck of the femur
definition of sessimoid bone
bone formed within a tendon (ex patella)– helps to reinforce the tendon that bends around a corner
spatial relationship with tibia and fibula
fibula is lateral, tibia is the “shin” and is more medial
the medial foot is composed of three bones:
navicular, cuboid, cuneiforms