Unsoundness, Blemishes, Lameness Flashcards
What is Sweeney?
Shrinkage of the muscles in the shoulder of the horse
(Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 260 / Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 13 / The Horse, Evans, p. 163)
What deviations can be seen in the hock when viewed from the side?
Sickle hocks
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 154
Practically speaking, what is the difference between unsoundness in a horse and a blemish?
Unsoundness is an imperfection that affects the usability. Blemishes may distract from appearance but do not affect usability.
(Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 12 / Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 58)
What is the name for the condition characterized by excessive flexion of one or both hocks, most easily detected when backing a horse?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 164 / Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 258 / Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 67)
What is ringbone?
Bony enlargements on the pastern bones
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 13 / The Horse, Evans, p. 160
What is another name for a capped elbow?
Shoe Boil
Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 244
Sidebones occur in both the front and hind feet but are more common in the…..?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 160 / Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 13 / Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 58, 66)
What do you call a varicose vein enlargement which appears on the inside of the hock immediately above the location of the bog spavin?
Blood spavin
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 61
Where are bucked shins located?
They are common on the front leg and rare on the hind limb
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 62
What is a splint?
A bony enlargement that develops in the area of the splint bone or cannon bone
(Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 252)
What is an enlargement on the front of the cannon bone between the knees and the fetlock joint?
Sore or bucked shins
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 159
Name the enlargement of the knee joint resulting from inflammation of the joint capsule, the carpus, or the ligaments.
Carpitis or popped knee
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 163
Swollen tendons behind the cannon bone in both the front and hind legs are called what?
Bowed tendons
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 61
What is the calcification or bony growth, usually occurring on the inside of the cannon bone on the front leg?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 158
Any mark or deformity that diminishes the beauty but does not affect the usefulness of the horse is called what?
A blemish
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 12
Free from any abnormal deviation in structure or function which interferes with the usefulness of the horse is called what?
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 12
What is the term used to describe an imperfection in which the lower jaw is shorter than the upper jaw?
Parrot mouth
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 1060-5 / Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 13
Name the joint where bog spavins, bone spavins, curbs and thoroughpins can occur.
The hock
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 58
What is bowed tendon?
Inflammation and enlargement of the tendons at the back of the front cannon
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 160)
Abnormalities in the jawbone can result in an undershot jaw. What is another name for this type of jaw?
Monkey mouth
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 168
Name the unsoundness described as a hard swelling below the point of the hock.
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 230-4
Osselets are inflammatory conditions around which joint, and result from strain or pressure on immature bones?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 161
What is a small, fleshy outgrowth?
Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 49
How does blistering induce more rapid healing for treatment of inflamed joints, tendons and bones?
Increases blood supply to the blistering site
Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 32
What is a thoroughpin?
A soft, puffy swelling on the upper hock
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 68 / Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 266
Applying an irritating substance such as iodine or mercury to treat a blemish or unsoundness to increase blood supply is known as what?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 513
What is a capped hock?
Enlargement at the point of the hock; usually caused by bruising
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 62)
What is a depression in the shoulder due to atrophied muscles?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 60
A bruise to the soft tissue underlying the horny sole of the foot that turns a reddish discoloration is called what?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 63 / Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 68
Describe undershot jaw.
Upper jaw is shorter than lower jaw
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 13
What do you call any irregularity in gait that results from moving with pain or difficulty?
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 12
What is the downward rotation of the coffin bone due to chronic founder or laminitis?
Dropped sole
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 166 / Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 9
If a horse is lame on a front foot, describe the way he would walk.
Head bobs when the sound foot strikes the ground
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 13
Define defect.
Any mark or blemish that impairs usefulness; unsoundness
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 156
Are most splints found on the inside or outside of the cannon?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 159
What is one of the most common defects of the front legs?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 159
What is the main treatment for a bowed tendon?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 160
Define stringhalt.
Excessive jerking of the hind legs
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 164 / Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 13
If a horse was trotting, how could you tell if it was lame?
By looking to see if his head bobs excessively when the lame leg strikes the ground
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 76)
What is navicular disease?
Inflammation of the small navicular bone (pain in area of navicular bone)
(Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 13 / The Horse, Evans, p. 162 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 540-3)
Where would you find a shoe boil?
On the elbow of a horse
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 163
What is another name for a sole bruise located at the angle of wall & bar?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 167
What term is used when, as a sign of lameness, the horse stands with a front leg extended more than normal?
Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 215
How may the exact location of lameness be found?
Comparing the opposite leg; swelling, heat, use of hoof testers
(Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 13)
What are the causes of windpuffs?
Trauma or heavy work
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 162
What are soft, puffy, fluid filled swellings around a joint - usually fetlock or pastern?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 162
What does the term “favor” mean?
To limp slightly
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 12
What is the main cause of shoeboil or capped elbow?
Elbow being irritated by the shoe or hoof of front foot when lying down
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 163)
What is hipdown?
One hip lower than the other
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 164
What is the cause of hipdown?
Usually a direct blow that causes a fracture
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 164
What is the main cause of hind leg unsoundness?
Sprain, strain or twists
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 164
If a horse is said to be “walking on eggs” what condition may be affecting it?
Laminitis (founder)
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 297