Kentucky-Senior-Breeds and Breed Registries Flashcards
Q.: Name the most numerous light horse breed in Europe.
A.: Hanoverians
Q.: What year was the AHSA founded?
A.: 1917
Q.: What is the term for a Standardbred horse that races with a diagonal gait?
A.: Trotter
Q.: What do the initials “USDF” stand for?
A.: United States Dressage Foundation
Q.: What breed of show pony was produced by crossing Hackney & Shetland pony.
A.: The Americana
Q.: Define quality.
A.: Fineness of texture; freedom from coarseness; refinement of hair, hide and bone
Q.: What two gaits does a 5-gaited horse have that the 3-gaited horse does not?
A.: Slowgate and rack
Q.: In 1894, Colonel Battel founded the Register for which breed of horses?
A.: Morgans
Q.: On what are Conformation Working Horses judged ?
A.: Performance, soundness and conformation
Q.: For what do the initials USTA stand?
A.: Unites States Trotting Association
Q.: For what does AHSA stand?
A.: American Horse Show Association
Q.: Which breed of horses are characterized by leopard spot markings?
A.: Appaloosa
Q.: What draft breed is only chestnut in color?
A.: Suffolk
Q.: What is a male donkey called?
A.: A Jack
Q.: What is the Connemara Pony known for?
A.: Its jumping ability
Q.: The American Paint Horse Association is devoted strictly to stock horses and bases its registry on blood of what three breeds?
A.: Paints, Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds
Q.: What club registers the breed that has been referred to as the essential oil of horse flesh, of which 1/3 of these horses are bred in the State of Kentucky and used for running races?
A.: Jockey Club
Q.: Approximately 99% of all standardbreds trace to what horse?
A.: Hambletonian
Q.: What is the birthdate of a horse in the Standardbred breed?
A.: January 1st
Q.: Robert Bakewell, who developed many improved breeds of livestock, also initiated the improvement of what draft horse?
A.: The Shire
Q.: Name two breeds of the “Native Horse.”
A.: Chickasaw Horse, Spanish Mustangs, Spanish-Barb, American Mustang
Q.: What animal is known for a dorsal stripe running from mane to tail that is intersected by the arms of cross at the withers?
A.: Scicilian donkey
Q.: Can a Welsh Pony be skewbald or piebald?
A.: No
Q.: Name a small, dun-colored, genuine wild species of horse that was formerly abundant in southern Russia and Central Asia.
A.: The Tarpan, Prezwalski’s horse
Q.: The paso gait has 5 forms - name the three most important.
A.: Paso fino, Paso corto, Paso largo
Q.: How much does an aluminum racing plate weigh?
A.: 2-3 oz
Q.: When capitalized, what does Half-Bred mean?
A.: Denotes a horse sired by a Thoroughbred and registered in the Half-Bred Stud Book
Q.: What is the difference in muscling of the forearm between the Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred?
A.: Quarter Horse - muscling is shorter and heavier than the Thoroughbred; Thoroughbred - longer and leaner than the Quarter Horse
Q.: Name four classifications of mules.
A.: Draft, sugar, cotton farm, packing and mining
Q.: Give the sequence of movement of the hooves for the paso gait.
A.: Right rear, right fore; left rear, left fore; the hind foot touches the ground a fraction of a second before the front foot
Q.: What breeds were developed from the need for a comfortable ground covering, smooth gaited riding and driving horse?
A.: American Saddle Horse