Disease Problems Flashcards
What is the more common term for lockjaw?
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 49
What is the more common term for Distemper?
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council, p. 49
What is an acute infectious disease caused by Bacillus Anthracis, a rod shaped organism?
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 445-13
What is the common name for the disease that is prevented by dipping the newborn foal’s navel stump in iodine?
Navel ill or Joint ill
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 202
Which equine disease is caused by the bacterium streptococcus equi?
Distemper (Strangles)
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 615-1
Penetration injuries from nails and splinters can cause what?
Tetanus or lockjaw
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 645-1
What is the abnormal reaction of the skin to sunlight?
Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 211
All contagious diseases are infectious, name an infectious disease that is not contagious.
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 47
What disease in new bone growth occurring in the region of the pastern bone on the first, second, or third phalanx?
Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 234
Is thrush more common in the front or hind feet?
Hind feet
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 531
What are two of the symptoms of tetanus?
Spasmodic or constant muscular rigidity, difficulty walking and swallowing, prolapse of the third eyelid, death
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 601)
Give 4 symptoms of Lyme Disease.
Lameness, arthritis, fever, muscle aches and pain, limb swelling, eye inflammation, encephalitis, hepatitis, nephritis, and abortion
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 340)
Septicemia is more commonly called…?
Blood poisoning
Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 33
Name 2 bacterial diseases.
Pneumonia, Glanders, Anthrax, Strangles, Botulism
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 330-342
The Coggins test is used to detect what disease?
EIA - Equine Infectious Anemia or swamp fever
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 630-1 / Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 516 / Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 60 / The Horse, Evans, p. 601)
What is the cure for Navicular Disease?
There is none
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 162-163
Name the disease of the foot caused by a necrotic fungus, characterized by a pungent odor.
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 540-1
Air-borne infections occur when droplets of moisture are sneezed or coughed into the air. Name such a disease.
Strangles, Influenza, or respiratory infection
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 596-597
What equine disease has received a great deal of public attention because it can be transmitted to humans?
Equine Encephalomyelitis
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 599
The onset of equine influenza is marked by what?
A rapidly rising temperature
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 605-1
What kinds of diseases are communicable or transmissible from one individual to another?
Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 67
What is a more common name for strangles?
Source: Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 49
Mountain Fever, slow fever, malarial fever, swamp fever are all names referring to what disease?
Equine Infectious Anemia
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 337
Is Navicular Disease more common in horses with small feet or large feet?
Small feet
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 540-4
How is rabies transmitted?
From a bite or wound from an infected animal
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 445-3
How often should horses be immunized for tetanus, Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis & rabies?
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 445-6
When was West Nile Virus first detected in the United States?
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 665-1
What system of the horse does sleeping sickness affect?
Nervous System
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 445-4
What system of the horse does rhinopneumonitis affect?
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 610-1
What system of the horse does tetanus affect?
Central nervous system
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 645-1
What is dew poisoning?
Irritated weepy patches on face & legs caused by contact with certain plant juices
(Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 80)