Colors & Markings Flashcards
What color horses are more commonly prone to melanomas?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 514
Name the 5 basic coat colors.
Black, Brown, Bay, Chestnut/Sorrel, White
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4
What color skin does a true white horse have?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 53
What are the 2 main color patterns for paints/pintos?
Tobiano, Overo
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 5 / Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 48
What are the 3 distinct overo coat patterns?
Frame, Sabino, Splashed White
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 49
Name 5 of 7 face markings.
Star; Stripe; Blaze; Bald; Snip; Star & Stripe; Star, Stripe & Snip
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 5 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
Name 5 leg markings.
Coronet, Pastern, Sock, Half-stocking, Stocking, Outside heel white extending, Outside heel, Inside heel
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
What color is the eye of a “glass-eyed” horse?
Light blue or hazel
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 82
The name of this body color comes from the Spanish meaning “blue crane”.
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 51
Red, strawberry & blue are variations of which color?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 5
What color horse has black points and a yellowish coat color?
Buckskin or Dun
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council, p. 4
What are the 5 main color patterns for Appaloosas?
Leopard, Blanket, Snowflake, Marble, and Frost
What color is a double dilution of chestnut?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 460 & 482
Name the 5 characteristics of the overo pattern.
White does not cross the back, one or more legs are dark, the head is often bald, the white body marking are irregularly spotted or splashy, the tail is usually one color
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 47
What color is a single dilution of bay?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81 & 461
What color is a double dilution of bay, is ivory white with rusty colored points?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81 & 461
What is a circular pattern or ring shaped pattern in the horses coat called?
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 38
Small flecks of color over the base coat of an animal; usually brown or red in color is called what?
Flea bits
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 39
A dark colored splotch on the basic coat color is called what?
Blood mark
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 39
What is another name for coat color?
Base color
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 36
Small dark colored spots seen on the white areas of some paint/pinto horses is called what?
Ink spots or pawprints or bear paws
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 39
What is the pigment that controls the color of the horse?
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 93
When talking about horse colors, what term refers to the mane, tail, lower legs and ear rims?
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 36
A stripe of color down the center of the animals back is called what?
Dorsal stripe (also known as back stripe, lineback or eelstripe)
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 37
Markings similar to those seen on asses and more primitive breeds of the horse is called what?
Primitive markings
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 38
What are the 3 basic dark colors for horses?
Black, bay, chestnut
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 39
What are red colored horses with red points called?
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 41
What are red colored horses with darker red colored points called?
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 41
What are red colored horses with lighter colored points or flaxen mane and tail called?
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 41
What are the dilutions of the basic coat colors resulting in a somewhat lighter coat color?
Buckskin, Dun, Grulla, Palomino, Cremello/Cream
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 42-43
Generally this pattern has white feet and white on lower legs, head tends to have more dark than white. White on the body usually crosses over the back, the neck or somewhere on the topline. The base body color tends to have a vertical look.
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 48-49
A non-tobiano coat pattern; such as frame, sabino, splashed white is called?
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 49
What are the white color patterns?
White, Gray, Roan, Paint/Pinto
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 45-47
What are the 4 distinct paint/pinto coat patterns?
Tobiano, Frame, Sabino, Splashed White
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 48
What color is the Holstein horse?
Solid color usually bay or seal brown
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 74
Generally this pattern has dark feet and legs; the head tends to be mostly white. White on the middle sides of the body and neck.
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 49
This pattern has extensive white on head and legs; demonstrates a speckled or flecked white coat pattern with jagged edges.
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 49
This pattern usually has white legs and a white underbelly, normally eye color is blue.
Splashed white
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 50
Which horse color is basically red, the shade varies from light to dark and the mane and tail are never black?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4
How does the term “zebra” apply to the horse?
Dark stripes on the legs and/or withers
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 6
A cremello horse is due to the action of a dilutant gene on what basic color?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 50
When talking about horse colors, what does the term light refer to?
A paler shade of a color
Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 168
What name is given to the total absence of pigmentation?
Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 6
Which head marking is denoted by a small, clearly defined area of white hairs on the forehead?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7
Describe the marking - bald face.
White over most of the flat surface of the face (often including eyes & nostrils)
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
What do you call a wide white stripe running down the face?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
Describe the leg marking “sock”.
White extends from the coronet to & including the fetlock
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
Describe the leg marking “pastern”.
White extends from the coronet to & including the pastern
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
What leg marking extends from the coronet to & including the knee?
Full stocking
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
Describe the face marking “star”.
A small, clearly defined patch of white hairs on the forehead (white mark on the forehead)
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 82 / Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
What do most grulla colored horses have on their legs and withers?
Zebra stripes
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4
What is the term for faded out color around the horse’s mouth?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7
What is skewbald?
White and any color except black
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 46
What does flaxen mean?
Mane & tail that are colored light yellow to white
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7
What leg marking is white from the coronet to the middle of the cannon?
Half stocking
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
What is the term for a dark line over the withers from side to side?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 6
What do you call a long narrow band of white running from the forehead down toward the muzzle?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
What term describes both a horse color and a horny growth found on the inside of a horse’s legs?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 80 & 128
What is the difference between the coloring of a red bay and a chestnut?
Bays always have black mane & tails - Chestnuts always have either red or occasionally flaxen manes & tails
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-1
What is a line-back?
Darker line running along the back from mane to tail
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 6
What is piebald?
Black with white spots
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 46
What are the 2 most common dorsal stripe colors?
Red & Black
Describe the marking “coronet”.
A white stripe covering the coronet band
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
Describe a roan horse.
One whose coat carries white hairs mixed with one or more base colors
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 5
Describe the color palomino.
Golden color (from bright copper to light yellow) with white mane & tail
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 5
Describe the color chestnut.
Coat is basically red & mane & tail are normally same color as body
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4
What is a true white horse?
One that is born white & dies white
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
What color would you call a black horse that has tan or brown hairs on the muzzle or flank?
Seal brown
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 479
What color is a horse that has a reddish-brown body & a black mane & tail?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 80
How can you tell whether a horse is black or seal brown?
Tan or brown hairs on the muzzle or flank indicate seal brown. A black horse doesn’t have tan or brown hairs.
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 479
Describe a snip.
Small patch of white that runs over the muzzle, often to the lips
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 7 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
This term refers to a modification of a basic dark coat color in which areas of lighter color are seen on the flanks, girth, lower belly, inside of legs, muzzle or above the eyes.
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 37
What do you call a blue or whitish eye?
Glass eye (watch eye, wall eye also acceptable)
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 82 / Horse Science (National 4-H Council), p. 12
Name two of the 5 major variations of coat colors.
Dun, Gray, Roan, Palomino, Pinto or Paint
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4-5
Where do you find the black points on a horse?
Mane, Tail & Legs
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 6
How many basic coat colors are there?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 80
How many major variations of horse coat colors are there?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4-5
What type of roan would a horse with a mixture of red & white hairs be?
Red roan
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-2
What term refers both to white on the face, covering the eye area, or to one defective eye?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 82
What is the term for a horse whose iris is a light color?
Wall eyed, glass eyed, or watch eye
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 82
The mealy-mouthed description is most likely to be found on what color horse?
Bay or brown
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 5
What is the term for a dun horse whose yellow hairs are mixed with brown or black?
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-1
Name and describe the three types of roan colors.
Red Roan - bay with white hairs
Blue Roan - black, brown or liver chestnut with white hairs
Strawberry Roan - chestnut with white hairs
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81
Describe the markings of a zebra dun.
Dun horse with black points and zebra stripes on legs & withers
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4
What is the term used for a gray horse that has a lot of black in his coat?
Steel gray
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81
Define flea-bitten.
A gray horse with small black or reddish specks or spots
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 485
What term means large roan spots on some base color?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 6
What term means a lack uniformity in color - a dull, dirty tone?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 6
What term implies darker patches, dull finish, or dark overcast?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 6
In order to be registered as a dun, grulla horses must have what?
Dorsal stripe
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 51
When referring to color, what is another name for chestnut?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 80
What is the most distinguishing difference between the sorrel and bay hair coat colors?
The bay always has black points and the sorrel does not
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4
Describe the color dun.
Dominant hair color is some shade of yellow
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4
What term describes darker spots embossed on the coat?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 6
What is the term meaning a blue tinge to the coat?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 51 / Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 6
Which term means a mane or tail that is white with a few dark hairs?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 83
What do you call a gray or roan horse having bay or chestnut specks or spots on a predominately white background?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 6
What color always has black points?
Bay or Grulla
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81
What causes a gray horse’s coat to lighten with age?
White hairs growing into the coat
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-1 / Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4
Describe the marking “flame”.
A few white hairs in the center of the horse’s forehead
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4
Describe the coloring of a red dun.
Reddish orange color - with a red stripe down its back
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81
Describe a blue roan.
Roan horse with a mixture of black & white hairs - usually darker on head & legs
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-1
Which paint/pinto color pattern has rounded or oval-shaped spots?
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-1
Which paint/pinto color pattern is characterized by jagged edged, splashy, scattered spots?
Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 140-1
What is another name for a bay roan?
Red roan
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81
Name 2 areas of a roan horse that are generally darker or more solid colored.
Head, neck, lower legs, mane & tail
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81
What color does the following describe: The foal’s coat will be a solid color, but with each consecutive hair coat, more white hairs will be added?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81
What color horse has black points & a yellowish coat color?
Buckskin or dun
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 4
Be specific - a red dorsal stripe appears with which coat color?
Red dun, claybank dun, or apricot dun
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81
On what coat color is dappling most easy to see?
Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 81
What is the difference between tobiano and overo?
Tobiano generally has white feet and lower legs, white usually crosses over the back, white areas clearly defined. Overo is a word that is used for a paint or pinto that is not a tobiano, white usually does not cross the back, white areas are not defined.
Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 48-49