Kentucky-Senior-Tack Flashcards
Q.: Approximately how long does a tetanus antitoxin vaccination give protection?
A.: Two weeks
Q.: Give two causes of contracted heels.
A.: Lack of frog pressure and lack of moisture in the hoof, heredity, faulty conformation
A.: Lack of frog pressure and lack of moisture in the hoof, heredity, faulty conformation
Q.: What is gravel?
Q.: What is gravel?
A.: A condition which is usually caused by penetration of the protective covering of the hoof by small bits of gravel or dirt
Q.: What is a serious abnormality that affects the serviceability of the horse?
A.: Unsoundness
Q.: Most lameness can be detected at what gait?
A.: A (slow) trot
Q.: “Pounding” is a defect in way of going often associated with what conformation defect?
A.: Straight shoulders and pasterns
Q.: What disease do mites cause?
A.: Mange
Q.: What is the conformation in which the knees are bent forward called?
A.: Buck-kneed
Q.: What are anthelmintics?
A.: Worm medicines
Q.: What is the common conformation fault in the rear limbs that puts a strain on the plantar ligament, leading to a curb?
A.: Sickle Hocks
Q.: In calf roping, what is a calf tied up with?
A.: Pigging string
Q.: Seatless leggins made of leather and worn for protection from the cold and brush are called what?
A.: Chaps
Q.: What is another name for a double bridle?
A.: Weymouth bridle
Q.: When mounting for English Equitation, on what part of the saddle do you place the right hand?
A.: Cantle
Q.: In horses, what does a unicorn refer to?
A.: A type of hitch where two horses are hitched as a pair with a third in front of the pair
Q.: Name the saddle used by the calvary.
A.: McClellan
Q.: T/F, A rider should keep his hands as low as possible when using a hackamore.
A.: True, low hands cause the bosal pressure to be applied properly in the correct places
Q.: Name four methods of restraint.
A.: Blindfolding, applying twitch, lifting a foot, holding an ear or the tail, etc.
Q.: Should the curb chain on a halfbreed or spade bit be adjusted snugly or loosely?
A.: Snugly
Q.: What is the longitudinal groove in the bottom surface of a horseshoe, usually including nail holes, which increases traction called?
A.: Swedging
Q.: Name 3 types of pasture fences suitable for horses.
A.: Post & rail; post & cable; nylon; wire mesh; chain linked; post & plank
Q.: Name two types of martingales and describe their purposes.
A.: Standing - prevents elevation of the head beyond a certain level without cramping the horse; Running - allows more movement to the horse’s head allowing the horse to be pulled in
Q.: Braces, copper roller and a high port are all part of what bit?
A.: Spade
Q.: The common remedy for what vice is a strap buckled around the neck in a way that will compress the larynx when the head is flexed?
A.: Cribbing
Q.: A bitless bridle that is often used in breaking young horses, especially polo and cow ponies, is a what?
A.: Bosal Hackamore
Q.: Which type of bridle must be used in a Saddle Seat Equitation class?
A.: Full bridle
Q.: A pelham bit is a (a) curb, (b) snaffle, (c) both curb and snaffle (d) hackamore
A.: C - both curb and snaffle
Q.: What do you call the bit mouthpiece designed to bring pressure to bear on the bars of the horse’s mouth?
A.: Curb
Q.: What is a liverpool bit and what is it used for?
A.: It has a straight bar mouthpiece and can be used as a snaffle or a curb bit. Used on heavy harness horses, plowing horses
Q.: How does using a dropped noseband alter the action of a snaffle bit?
A.: It lowers and tucks the head, allowing the snaffle to work more on the bars of the mouth than it normally does
Q.: Contrast oxbow and standard western stirrups.
A.: Oxbow are narrow stirrups used on the arch of the foot, used on bucking and cutting saddles; Equitation or standard stirrups are wider and are usually used on the ball of the foot
Q.: What is the inverted U-shaped segment of the mouthpiece of a bit?
A.: Port
Q.: Name two ways of reducing bedding costs.
A.: 1) Chop bedding, 2) Ventilate quarters properly, it lowers the humidity and keeps; bedding dryer, 3) Provide exercise area to let horse out as much as possible
Q.: What type of single cinch rig encircles the horse midway between the pommel and the cantle of the saddle?
A.: Center fire rig
Q.: What are the four functions of saddle pads or blankets?
A.: Absorb sweat; Protect horse’s back and cushion weight; Keep saddle clean; Can compensate for poor fitting saddle
Q.: What is the purpose of the dropped noseband?
A.: Keeps the mouth closed, keeps the horse from sliding the bit through its mouth
Q.: On what type of horse is a liverpool bit used?
A.: Heavy harness horse
Q.: Name four parts of the western saddle.
A.: Pommel, girth, fork, seat, cantle, skirt, fender, horn
Q.: What is the proper name for the padded leather that goes under the tail and is connected to the backband by a long strap?
A.: Crupper
Q.: What device prevents a horse from bending his neck enough to chew on clothing or dressings or wounds?
A.: Cradle
Q.: T/F The thinner or smaller the bit mouthpiece, the harsher the bit.
A.: True
Q.: What is the proper name of the strap that couples the bit of a bridle to the harness back band to keep the horse’s head up and in position?
A.: Checkrein
Q.: A thin metal projection on the outside of a shoe that lies against the hoof to give support to the shoe is what?
A.: Clip
Q.: What type of equipment does the polo pony wear to guard the cannons from injury from the mallet or balls?
A.: Leg wraps, polo boots
Q.: Name four different bits.
A.: Snaffle, Pelham, Curb, Bridoon, Dee, Kimberwick, Weymouth, Bar, Walking Horse, Hackamore, Liverpool, Spade Mouth Bit
Q.: The back of the saddle is called the what?
A.: Cantle
Q.: In riding, what does the term bight refer to?
A.: The end of the reins or rein
Q.: What are two materials numnahs can be made of?
A.: Felt, leather, sorbo rubber, sheepskin, nylon fabric
Q.: Name the two main kinds of bronc riding.
A.: Saddle and bareback
Q.: What do you call the ring of rope, rawhide, or metal on a lasso, through which rope slides?
A.: Honda
Q.: With a double rigged western saddle, which girth is unbuckled first?
A.: The rear girth
Q.: A short piece of leather with a ring on either end through which the reins pass is called what?
A.: Irish Martingale
Q.: What piece of equipment placed under the tail of a horse is used to hold both saddles and harness in place?
A.: Crupper
Q.: What is a port?
A.: The part of the mouthpiece of a bit curving up over the tongue
Q.: What part of the western saddle would you consider first when fitting your horse?
A.: The tree
Q.: In unsaddling a horse, which cinch would you undo first- front or back?
A.: Back
Q.: What is the missing part - headstall, mecate, fiadore, _______?
A.: Bosal
Q.: Name four types of girths.
A.: Folded leather, fitzwilliam, string, canvas, lonsdale, balding
Q.: What is an aiken?
A.: A jump consisting of parallel bars with brush in the middle
Q.: In horse terminology, what are “appointments?”
A.: Equipment and clothing
Q.: Topical preparations are available in a number of forms, name two.
A.: Ointments, aqueous solutions, aerosols and powders, creams, lotions
Q.: Fullering, web and branch are parts of what?
A.: Horseshoe
Q.: What are the 5 parts of a halter?
A.: Crownpiece, cheek piece, noseband, chinstrap and throat latch
Q.: When four reins are used, which pair are held on the outside?
A.: Snaffle or bridoon
Q.: What is a foot protractor?
A.: An instrument to measure the angle of the feet
Q.: Which safety rule must you obey regarding the horse’s lead strap?
A.: Never wrap lead strap, halter shank or reins around your hand, wrist or body
Q.: The purpose of this part of the bridle is to prevent the bridle from coming off over the horse’s head. What is it?
A.: Throat latch or lash
Q.: Give the minimum dimensions for a safe stall door for a light horse.
A.: 4’ wide and 8’ high
Q.: The breadth and thickness of the metal in the horseshoe is called what?
A.: Web
Q.: When the rider’s weight is behind the center of motion, what happens to the horse’s propelling power?
A.: It is lessened
Q.: What do we mean when we refer to the rigging of a saddle?
A.: The location in which the cinch or cinches are attached to the saddle
Q.: How long is the cob tail of a Hackney?
A.: Six inches
Q.: What is the formal name for chaps?
A.: Chaparhaos
Q.: What is the purpose of the dropped noseband?
A.: Keeps the mouth closed, keeps the horse from sliding the bit through its mouth
Q.: What is a numnah?
A.: A saddle pad or blanket
Q.: What is the proper name of the lash on a whip?
A.: Thong
Q.: For what food condition might a T-Bar shoe be used?
A.: For contracted heels, it will apply constant pressure on the frog
Q.: What is the generic name for an antibacterial agent marketed in liquid or ointment form?
A.: Nitrofurazone
Q.: When you say “rough out” of what material are you speaking?
A.: Leather
Q.: A type of shoe where the outside rim on the web is raised above the outside rim is called what?
A.: Polo shoe
Q.: Fender, D-ring, skirt and front jockey are parts of what?
A.: Saddle
Q.: What is the proper name of the lock of hair falling forward over the horse’s face?
A.: Forelock or foretop
Q.: Which is longer - a western cinch or an English girth used on one horse?
A.: English girth - longer since billets are higher up
Q.: Would a cut-back saddle have a stirrup leather keeper?
A.: No
Q.: What is a quarter boot and what is its purpose?
A.: A flexible boot attached over the heel of the front heel from the hind toe
Q.: How could you check the stirrup leathers of an English saddle for proper length prior to mounting?
A.: Stirrup should just reach into armpit, with arm fully extended and fingers on pommel seam
Q.: After a long ride, what should you do with respect to unsaddling and why?
A.: Loose girth a few holes, leave saddle on until horse is reasonably cool. The blood will go to his back and give him a sore back
Q.: What is the correct name for the throatlatch on a hackamore bridle?
A.: Fiador
Q.: What is a pillion?
A.: A seat or cushion which was put behind the gentlemen’s saddle for another rider
Q.: T/F, A spade bit is a popular bit to use to break a young horse.
A.: False
Q.: A horse with hair worn off the back of his gaskin and the front of his forearm by its tack runs as a what?
A.: Pacer
Q.: Name four parts of the horse’s head on which the curb bit and bridle act on.
A.: Poll, bars, tongue, chin, corner of lip, palate, side of lower jaw
Q.: What is a Pillion? What was it used for?
A.: A Pillion is a cushion or seat used behind a gentlemen’s saddle. In Medieval times, women rode sitting sideways behind a man
Q.: A cavesson that rests below the bit on a snaffle bridle is known as what kind of cavesson?
A.: Dropped noseband
Q.: What are Dartnell reins?
A.: Reins made of soft cotton
Q.: The site of action of a jointed snaffle bit is primarily on two places, depending on the action of the rider’s hands. What are they?
A.: Outside of the bars and on the corners of the lips/mouth
Q.: The part of the saddle which covers the stirrup bar of an English saddle is the what?
A.: Skirt
Q.: What race horse would use an aluminum shoe?
A.: Thoroughbred
Q.: If you are going to use a corona, which type of saddle would you be using?
A.: Stock saddle or western saddle
Q.: What is a Dental Speculum and what is it used for?
A.: Used to open a horse’s mouth for examination
Q.: When building materials for horse barns are bought, what are 3 factors to be considered?
A.: Cost, attractiveness, fire resistance, durability, and maintenance
Q.: How many sides does leather have, and what are they called?
A.: Two - flesh side and grain side
Q.: Which term describes the leather parts of a harness which run from the collar to the single tree?
A.: Traces
Q.: How does a mule shoe differ from a horse shoe?
A.: Much narrower
Q.: Which part of the western saddle is used for tying equipment to the saddle?
A.: Lace strings or latigos
Q.: The double-bitted, reined bridle used in showing 3 and 5-gaited horses is a what?
A.: Weymouth Bridle
Q.: If you wanted to put hobbles on your horse to prevent it from roaming when turned out to graze, where should you put them?
A.: Around the pasterns or fetlocks of the front legs
Q.: Name three things you should double-check when trailering your horse and on which side should the heavier horse be loaded?
A.: Lights, safety chains, ball is locked on floor, nails, etc. AND left because the roads are higher in the middle
Q.: Name three aspects of good pasture management.
A.: Do not overgraze; Clip pastures to keep the plants from becoming too mature; Spread manure; droppings with a chain harrow; Keep pasture free of weeds and poisonous plants; Keep pasture free of horses in wet weather to avoid turf damage
Q.: Which piece of leather overlaps the top of the fender of a stock seat saddle?
A.: Front or seat jockey
Q.: What is a sawbuck saddle used for?
A.: Horsepacking
Q.: Why should the beveled side of the nail point be toward the inside when the farrier is shoeing your horse?
A.: This directs it toward the outside when driven in
Q.: Which part of the western saddle is found beneath the fenders?
A.: Stirrup straps
Q.: What is a tack pole?
A.: Bamboo stick used to pole jumpers
Q.: What is the hoof level used for?
A.: To determine the angle of the hoof wall and length of hoof
Q.: What part of the leg do skid boots protect and cite two situations when they are effective?
A.: Skid boots most common; protect backs of the rear fetlocks during sliding stops, roll backs and abrupt turns
Q.: The part of the harness which goes around the back of the hindquarters.
A.: Breeching
Q.: Who introduced the lady’s side-saddle into the horse world?
A.: Anne of Bohemia
Q.: What is the part of the harness that lies under the tail across the rear quarters and against which the horse pushes when backing up?
A.: Breeching
Q.: What is the difference between heavy harness horses and light harness horses?
A.: The type and weight of the harness
Q.: T/F, Snaffle bit has one set of reins and is always jointed in the middle.
A.: False
Q.: What is another name for a noseband?
A.: Cavesson
Q.: Which martingale does not affect the head position of the horse?
A.: Irish
Q.: What is a corona pad?
A.: A saddle pad cut to fit to shape of the saddle
Q.: What are toothed wheels on spurs called?
A.: Rowels
Q.: A standing martingale should be connected at the upper end to only one certain kind of equipment. What piece of equipment?
A.: Cavesson noseband
Q.: What are the stirrups on a racing saddle made of and why?
A.: Aluminum - because of its light weight
Q.: What is the training equipment used to set the head of the horse?
A.: Bitting harness, side reins, dumb jockey
Q.: Does the hackamore bit usually have a mouthpiece?
A.: No