General Equitation/Riding Flashcards
Name one of the two terms for the right side of the horse.
Far side or Off side
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20
Name 3 equitation seats.
Hunt Seat, Saddle Seat, Stock (western)
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20
The off side of the horse is what side?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20
What term refers to the rider’s legs, hands, weight and voice, as used in controlling the horse?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20
When mounting for English equitation, on what part of the saddle do you place the right hand?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 434
Name the four basic aids used in controlling your horse.
Voice, hands, legs, weight
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 21
What is the name given to the rising and descending of a rider with the rhythm of the trot?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20
What is a rubberneck?
A horse with a very flexible neck, hard to rein
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 9
When mounting a horse, on what side do you generally mount?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20
When riding in groups, what kind of distance should you keep between horses?
Horse length
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 53
What is a stargazer?
A horse that holds his head too high & its nose out
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 9 / Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 254
What is a half-halt?
A slight check in pace to collect a horse before applying the necessary aids for a change in pace or movement
(Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 128)
What is posting?
Rising and descending of the rider with the rhythm of the trot
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20 / Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 218)
To obtain a left lead, which leg would you apply pressure with?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 23
What is the proper way to ask your horse to back?
Grip with your legs, hold reins low, pull lightly using give & take motion
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 23)
Ride with your weight on what part of the foot?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20
Heavy hands can cause damage to what part of the horse?
Mouth (bars)
When speaking of horseback riding, what is a passenger?
One who rides without control, letting the horse go as it wishes
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 40)
What term means “the art of riding horseback”?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20
A horse length equals how many feet?
8 feet
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20
When should you signal your horse for the stop?
When the horse’s rear legs are moving forward under its’ body
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 22)
When you get ready to mount properly, what do you do to get your horse under control?
Adjust the reins evenly with enough tension to feel the bit & hold horse steady
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20)
Explain how you would “gather” your horse?
Take up on reins & settle in saddle
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 21
When riding a trot Western style, the body should be inclined slightly more in which direction than at the walk?
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 21
What aids are used when asking a horse to take the left lead & how are they used?
Apply pressure with right leg, shift weight to left
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 23
What does it mean to “pull leather”?
Holding to the saddle with both hands when riding a bucking horse
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20)
Explain how you would get your horse to sidepass?
Hold horse in to prevent forward motion. Rein in the direction you wish to move forequarters & use outside leg to move hindquarters.
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 23)
What is horsemanship?
The art of riding the horse & understanding its needs
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 20
When riding, your legs are used to signal what?
Speed & movements
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 21
What is the purpose of a warm-up?
Gives horse a chance to loosen up stiff muscles
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 41
What part of the horse’s body do your hands control?
The forehand
Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 21