Tack and Equipment Flashcards
Sam did this:) This is from Chapter 6 in Horses and Horsemanship, P. 27-34. :) Hope you enjoy :) Yes, I like smiley faces :)
What bridle has one bit with two sets of reins, the snaffle and the curb?
Pelham Bridle
What bridle is bitless?
How do bits function?
They put pressure on one or more parts of the horse’s head.
What are seven pressure points of the bit?
Corners of the mouth, bars, tongue, roof of the mouth, curb groove, nose and the poll.
Where does the bit lie?
The bars
What are the bars?
An area between the molars and incisor teeth.
What are the parts of the bit?
Mouthpiece, shanks, cheek, and rings (or slots).
What is severity?
Determined by how much discomfort is produced at each pressure point.
The factors of severity are?
1) Diameter of the mouthpiece - large or small
2) Type of mouthpiece - jointed, port or bar
3) Amount of leverage produced - length of shank and cheek piece
4) Horses head position - nose up or flexed at the poll.
The snaffle can encourage the horse to do what?
Raise it’s head
What are the pressure points of a snaffle bit?
Corners of the mouth, the bars and the tongue.
What is the Honda?
A ring of rope, rawhide, or metal on a lasso through which the loop slides.
What is a Jaquima?
Spanish bridle; a hackamore.
What is a Jockey?
A leather flap on the side of a saddle, OR the term for the horse’s rider in a race.
What are Jodhpurs?
Close fitting riding breeches, OR ankle-high shoes worn with breeches.
What is a Lariat?
From Spanish, meaning “the rope”. A rope, often of rawhide, with running noose, used for catching cattle.
What is a lead strap?
A strap or rope attached to the halter for leading.
What is a Martingale?
A strap running from the girth between front legs to the bridle.
What is a Mecate?
A hackamore lead rope.
What is Neat’s Foot Oil?
An oil made from suet, feet, and bones of cattle, used for softening leather.
What is a Polochain?
A chin chain of flat, large links.
What is a Port?
the part of the mouthpiece of a bit curving up over the tongue.
What is a Reata?
Spanish for “lasso’.
What are Rowels?
the toothed wheels on spurs
What is a Shank?
that portion of the bit from the mouthpiece down.
What does Slick mean?
A term to describe the shape of the fork on a wester saddle.
What is a Snaffle?
a widely used type of bit
What is a Snaffle-key bit?
a snaffle with small metal pieces angling from the center used in training young horses to the bit.
What is a Surcingle?
a broad strap about the girth, to hold the blanket in place
What is a Tapadera?
Stirrup cover
What is a Tree?
the wooden or metal frame of a saddle.
What is a War Bridle?
an emergency bridle made of rope.
What is a Bosal?
that part of hackamore that fits over and around the nose.
What is a Bit?
a piece of equipment placed in the horse’s mouth, used to apply pressure for communication
What is a Bitting Ring?
a combination of bridle, harness, pad, and crupper, used to teach horse to flex at the poll.
What is a Cantle?
the back of a saddle
What is a Cavesson?
a noseband on a bridle, a stiff noseband on a halter used with longe strap in training.
What is Center Fire?
a western saddle with cinch hung from center
What is a Cinch?
a wide cord girth used on western saddles
What is a Corona?
Saddle pad cut to fit shape of the saddle; has a large colorful roll around the edge.
What are Curb Chains?
a metal type of chain strap attached to a curb bit to apply pressure on the underside of the lower jaw.
What are Fenders?
the wide pieces of leather along the stirrup leathers on a saddle.
What is a Fiadore?
a special knot in the hackamore
What is a Fork?
The front part of a western saddle fitting over the withers.
What is a Girth?
the measure of the circumference of a horses body back of the withers; a leather, canvas, or corded piece around the body of the horse to hold saddle on.
What is a Hackamore?
a bitless bridle of various designs used in breaking and training.
What is a Head Stall?
the leather bridle straps exclusive of bit and reins.
What are Hobbles?
1 - straps fastened to the front legs of a horse to prevent it from straying from camp
2 - in harness racing leather or plastic semicircular loops are connected by straps and placed on the gaskin and forearm, to assist in maintaining the pacing gate.